Kulongoski Creates Anti-Discrimination Task Force

This morning, Governor Kulongoski will sign an executive order to create the first "Anti-Discrimination Task Force" in Oregon.
The new task force will be made up of anywhere between eight to twelve members and will make recommendations to the 2007 Legislature on what changes are needed to assure equal protection for gays and lesbian Oregonians.
"That's why this task force is important - to continue the dialogue about how to make Oregon a state of economic and social opportunity for all of our citizens regardless of race, gender, age or sexual orientation," Kulongoski stated. "The issue involves basic fairness and making Oregon a better place for everyone to live."
Washington State just recently passed a statewide anti-discrimination law after 30 years of attempts. When we look back - it's been that exact situation here in Oregon. 30 years of trying. Last year we made it the furthest in history by passing Senate Bill 1000, then it was killed in the GOP led House. The main roadblock with SB1000 in the House was Karen Minnis as we all remember well.
This new task force will position us for victory in 2007.
[IT'S BEEN SIGNED!!! - Click here to view pdf in new window]
The Task Force will be chaired by Portland businessperson Paul Kelly, will make a recommendation on the proposal to ensure that all of state government affords the same rights and privileges to all Oregonians to the greatest extent permitted under federal law and the Oregon Constitution.
It will also ensure that Oregon law provides an appropriate legal pathway for grievance, enforcement and resolution if Oregonians experience unequal treatment in either the public or private sectors. The task force will not only examine Oregon's laws, but will also analyze anti-discrimination statutes adopted by other states, as well as related bills introduced during the 2005 session of the Oregon Legislative Assembly. As Kulongoski signed the Executive Order, he said,"I'm very proud to be here today with Basic Rights Oregon as we continue to push the issue of basic fairness and equality forward. We fought together last session for anti-discrimination legislation and I am committed to continuing this fight until we achieve our goal of economic and social equality and justice for every person living in Oregon, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. Today is another step forward toward that goal, but it's just the beginning and I won't quit until antidiscrimination laws are on the books in Oregon."
Basic Rights Oregon's Roey Thorpe made the following statement:
"We know that when reasonable people look at the facts about discrimination against GLBT people and the positive impact of anti-discrimination legislation in other states they will agree that protecting all Oregonians is the right thing to do," said Thorpe. " We won't give up until equality is the law of the land. The formation of this task force is just the latest step in our campaign to make sure that next year the legislature finally sends a message that discrimination has no place in this state."
Recommended changes to Oregon law will be submitted to the Governor no later than December 31, 2006. A full roster of task force membership will be released next month. I will make sure to post updates as soon as I hear more information.
Interesting, where was he on same-sex marriage? Oh that's right - AGAINST IT.
With friends like these...
If you are talking about what happened in Multnomah County - he had no power over that. If you are talking about Measure 36 - that was in the hands of the voters.
As someone who was very involved in this past Legislative Session - we were not fighting for marriage, we were fighting for civil unions/anti-discrimination. The question that you should have asked was - where the hell was Ted during SB1000 (when he actually could have made a difference)? Sure he showed up at the final press conference for a photo opportunity, but other than that he did nothing on our bill. It was all talk, no action. Just my personal feeling - but sadly it is also the truth.
In regards to the new task force... I think it is an excellent idea that will help set us up for when we take our bills back to the Oregon Legislature next session. The question at that point will be - who will carry out the work of the task force once they had compiled information. We need a Governor that will take the information and make sure that proper action is taken. Will Ted be that person - or is he simply courting the gay vote as it's getting close to election time. Sometimes I wish that his wife would run instead of him. :)
Bryan H.
Well Bryan, congratulations on your inside track with BRO, and knowing the right questions to ask.
We've learned not to stick our nose into what we don't know anything about, and to not forget we should just send our money to BRO.
A little reminder never hurts.
Since when is being a volunteer for a cause I strongly believe in wrong? I'm not quite sure what you're trying to get at here or why you would need to be sarcastic in your last comment. If you disagree with what I said above - challenge that, instead of having unnecessary attitude.
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