Shot in the Head Twice - Jacob Robida is dead.
Has justice been served? I honestly don't know how to feel about this. You may remember us reporting on the horrific attack in the Massachusetts gay bar (story here). 18-year-old Jacob D. Robida was wanted for the brutal attacks on three men in a New Bedford gay bar. To refresh your memory... he walked into the bar, asked if it was a gay bar, had two drinks, then started off attacking a man with a hatchet - then pulled out a gun and open fire on the people in the bar. Authorities say he was "hunting gays". It was a hate crime.
These are two pictures from his MySpace profile. The one with the gun has the caption "Serial Killa".
Jacob Robida was on the run over the weekend and police were desperately trying to find the teen before he repeated the attacks. From Puzzles Lounge in New Bedford, Mass., Jacob drove to Norfork, Arkansas where he was pulled over for what seems to be a traffic stop. Jacob then led police on a chase. Finally drove over spike strips and lost control of his vehicle. He had a female passenger in the car with him. Jacob raised his gun to her head and shot her - killing her. He then aimed his gun at police and killed one officer. Officers returned fire and Jacob was shot in the head twice. He was taken to a Springfield, Missouri hospital - though died early Sunday morning.
So I was reading about this and learning more about the suspect. We've also archived his MySpace profile as a pdf (pdf wasn't working for users) jpg as it is no longer available on MySpace. Click here to view in a new window. (Warning - it's a large file) You can make your own judgement call on that. If the swastikas - the disillusioned obsession with the "Insane Clown Posse" - and if his group of friends don't give you a clue to just how fucked up this kid was, I'm not sure what will.
So now that I have written this I know how I feel. I am pissed off. He brutally attacked people with a hatchet - then open fire on them - then shot a girl in the head - killed a cop - then was killed himself. I feel bad for the pathetic asshole. He seems to act so tough - then takes the easy way out. He destroyed countless lives on his way out of this world. Pathetic.
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I can't begin to imagine what must have been going through his head. Pure hatred is the obvious but, something else was driving him. I don't believe that he shot himself because he was in fear of getting caught. He is still one of God's children, our brother, so the only way we can help him now is to pray for his soul.
Anonymous said...
Im am sorry but dont judge ANY Juggalos...or ICP fans by that lunatic! I have been a juggalo for over 12 years and I have never seen or heard of a REAL juggalo doing anything of the sort. Juggalos are like a family. We look out for each other and there is a special bond among us. If you listen to any lyrics about racism that ICP rap about is that it is wrong! They hate bigots and all things racist. They hate the south where this guy was seeking refuge. So I kindly ask you to not judge us on the actions of, but of the actions of the majority. I am free to talk to anyone about can IM me on sn is JuggaloFox. I am always willing to discuss my juggalo heritage and what it really means to be a juggalo!
Thanks for your time
8:38 PM
Ok first of all I am from NORFORK, AR (it isn't NorFOLK) and all the claims about who shot who have been made by authorities from MASS....the Arkansas police are still waiting for guess would be that the local law officials would know more about what is going on here than some one that flew in the day after it happened. Funny how people will listen to him and ignore the Arkansans involved who probably have a better idea of what is actually happening. I saw the car, I saw the scene..I saw it all and so did half the town.
Also to the ICP is unfortunate that people will have a negative view of ICP and its fans from this incident...however...hating the South qualifies as a form of prejudice and negates your original point...sorry to say...I wouldn't expect too much sympathy from the general public about this whole ICP thing.
I am a fellow Juggalo, And i'm just here to show some sympathy from ALL of the juggalo's. This kid who did this act of HATE was not a true Juggalo. Juggalo's don't do this. I've talked to plenty, and ALL of them said they would take this kids life for the acts he did... I can't disagree, It was absolutely Rediculous.. I'm sorry to hear that this happened, But don't let this little Jackass' Scapegoat of blaming icp catagorize us as all the same.
I believe that while this individual may have believed he was a 'juggalo', I believe he did not epitomize the ultimate goals of the brotherhood, in either way. This person, while exemplifying the violence so often present in ICP's music, was NOT indicative of the majority of the family, and their desire for prosperity and unity. As usual, it only takes one bad apple to tarnish the image of the whole bunch.
I believe that while the mass media will use this as any sort of violence, they will point at the music he adored, rather than the mother who didn't watch him closely enough...and even if the mother did, why did she not take action when he returned with a head injury so late at night? Why did she let him leave to kidnap the hostage, murder a police officer, and injure another, before finally dying in a hail of bullets (ala the majority of the songs on Hells Pit)? SHE is just as guilty as he for the latter portions, because she failed to act.
Guilty of Hamlet's own indecision and hesitation, she left a family of three motherless, because she could not see through the haze of her own motherhood, to spot an obviously negative situation. It was obviously not her first oversight, as his nazi tatoo's and bedroom decorations indicated. These products weren't snuck in and hidden in the closet...most were on prominent display!!! The mother HAD to have know what he was favoring, regardless of how he treated his 'bi-sexual half-black' friends or not, there was something negative stirring.
And that is ALSO disturbing. The 'close friend' who described herself as a 'half-black bi-sexual' woman, indicated he had NEVER displayed any hatred toward gays. Especially never toward her. Of course not. The majority of males (at all ages) find bi-sexual or lesbian women to be extremely attractive. He would never express his differences to her, as most men possess a slight degree of homophobia, while secrelty subduing their desires for lesbians (or not-so-secretly proclaiming it). Simply because the boy tolerated a woman who claimed to desire other women in addition to men, it doesn't mean he was tolerant of gay MEN. As was demonstrated later, society's grand variation of the definition of 'bi-sexual' and 'gay', did not provide protection to the patrons of the night club the teen visited.
So once again, the media, in an effort to stir ratings and CREATE more drama than is necessary, will harp upon ICP's music. They will focus upon the hatchetman, and scattered references to 'fuckin' faggots' that are sprinkled throughout the music. They will not tolerate a moment to address the highly ANTI-racial theme of ICP's music. They will not linger on the themes of brotherhood, love, unity, friendship and family that are so strongly presented in the majority of the music. They will not harp upon the choice given to all (represented by Shangri-La as Heaven, and Hell's Pit as...well, Hell). They will focus on whatever causes the storm. Attacking the teen's mom for poor parenthood will only last for a few days, whereas a major music group could drag out into court cases and more. The media, being the untouchable juggernaut that they are, will spin however much is necessary, to gain their ratings and properity. The only source of their power? - That the targets typically cannot speak back to the same venue or amount of people that television can.
Attacking ICP's music may be folly for CNN, MSNBC and whatever other news services choose to do so. They will discover a nation of united brethren that support and LISTEN to their idols. They will discover a pair of singers that have a meaning AND a message behind their music..and they will discover that ICP is NOT afraid to strike back and defend themselves...not just in a news conference here and there...but at live shows, on websites, and on future albums. The media is opening a can of worms on this...all to drive ratings...but skipping away from the truest source of the violence...a mentally ill child, who was not properly monitored, or guided by his mother.
one of my homies sent this to me. i happen to aggree with him. dont judge us, as im a juggalette a female juggalo, by what Jacob Robida did. And dont blame the music, the music did not make him kill thos people.
So can we all agree that Jacob committed a hate crime at the bar in Mass?
Also I am still looking for the reasoning behind "Juggalos". Can someone explain this to me? It seems as if you create this personal identity around a music group. I may be totally wrong - though after looking into some things it's all you guys talk about... What's up with all of the references to "ninja" and "much motha fuckin' clown love".
It's all lost on me. I do agree that the media shouldn't really be focusing on the music and using the group (ICP) as a scapegoat - although at the same time as you mention above they talk about the 'fucking faggots'. You also make references to ICP as being your "idols". This all concerns me a bit - to be honest. It just feels as if you cannot create your own personal identity - you instead are simply a follower. Maybe I am missing something though. I am very receptive to more of an explanation - and I will keep an open mind.
I will agree - Jacob obviously had much larger problems. He was a very misguided soul.
Well , I happen to be from Gassville Arkansas, where our policeman was gunned down practically in front of us. I feel a deep sadness for the loss to our community , the horrendous way it happended and the horrific blow it must have been to his family and fellow police officers.
On the flip side to this , i also feel a deep sadness for Jacob Robida's Family. Regardless of what he was or wasnt into..he was still just 18 years old and someone's son , grandson...etc.
What he did was wrong , Whatever path he took that led him to his hate crimes , and his death is sad no matter how you look at it.
Take it from someone who knows first hand by having a son who was in trouble early in life , easily innfluenced by others , and now drugs are his demon, Sometimes I think I dont even know him anymore, but i still love him.
So this whole thing is so sad from all the victims to all of their families , I think they all need prayed for.
my name is patrick edwards and i am proud to say i am a juggalo. the media is always looking for a scapegoat instead of blaming the real culprits because thery're too afraid they may be it. this guy wasnt a juggalo. he had a plan in his way of killing that left him in a position to plea insanity easily if caught alive. think about it a guy kills someone with a htachet. weapons of choice in most of psychopathic recording artists songs are axes and hatchets. he gets caught with a hatchet. he says the music made him do it and bang. out on insanity in a cooshy padded room instead of getting punked by a guy in county. the courts would take that crap too. they did in columbine. manson didnt make those kids kill anyone. the murders were idiots who tormented them every day till they cracked. if anyone from there reads this, you reaped what you sowed. wicked till i f**king die, which is never. my sn on yahoo im is goeatapancake too.
I am still looking for an answer about why you guys call yourselves juggalos. I've asked this on many if not all of the posts about Jacob - yet no one has answered me. Are Juggalos connected in some way to ICP? Someone please explain this me to.
Bryan Harding
Hello, I am myself a juggalo.
Bryan Harding to answer your question, A juggalo or juggalette(female juggalo) are Fans of the insane clown posse, in part, It's the word they coined for like minded people. It's kind of hard to explan it all, my friends site goes into it alot. we stand for being against racism, and any forms of bigotry at all. as well as Standing against evil, but that is really indepth. The Serial killer theme to their music, is meant as to be shocking both as the their feeling on What should happen to evil people evil being people who beat their wives, kids, racists, and the like.
this guy was not a juggalo, The guy was a Freaking nazi, He had tons of Racist things all over his myspace, all that stuff goes against everything Insane clown posse(ICP) stand for. They hate people like that guy.
i myself am glad the cops shot this guy in the face. i hope it was right between the eye.
I'm not saying that a Juggalo wouldn't Commit murder, i mean if a juggalo where to Gun down a KKK meeting, i would stand and applaud. i'm not saying we are not a sick breed, but bigotry, and racism are something we DO NOT STAND FOR, you can not be a juggalo and be a bigot. i really hope you do not think that We support this Asshole in anything he did. the Juggalo community as a whole Rejects this FAKE, even the head of Psychopathic records Alex Abbiss has come out and stated that this guy clearly know nothing about what the Insane CLown posse and juggalos stand for. and he was clearly 1. Crazy to begin with, long before listening to ICP, and 2. a racist, and Not anything a juggalo stands for, and clearly what was to blame was all that KKK, neo-nazi horseshit the guy was into.
anyway thats my peace, and if you feel like telling my want to think, go to our site and get ahold of me.
One of the underlying themes of ICP's album The Wraith: Hell's Pit, is an accounting for one's action in ths life. This is brought out in the song "Burning Up". A song about the scenes in Hell. "Ain't nobody getting it worse than you and me." Wickedness is not rewarded. All of the deluded individuals on Robida's MySpace page saying they will see him in Shangri-la are missing this valuable lesson. Then, I guess we take from the things we experience exactly what we want to learn. We tend to use media in all forms to validate preconceived notions. I believe that all violent crimes are hate crimes. Noone kills without motive. I will echo the sentiments of the Juggalo community. This guy didn't get it. If it wasn't ICP, the inspiration would have been a horror movie, or Catcher in the Rye. My heart goes out to the victims of this violent attack, but not to Robida. He did not deserve to live, and if he is experiencing what ICP preaches, he's suffering eternally for it.
I disagree with all of you so strongly... The Juggalo was isn't a brothern, don't make it sound like a cult.. Your no better then anyone else or lesser then anyone else if your a Juggalo. I don't care what ANYONE say's - If the Juggalo community gets bad rep for it, do we care what they think? Juggalos are so widespread because it dosn't apply to just one kind of personality, there are many personalities of a person with clown paint. Now is it us to judge what we dont know happen.. This guy was obviously sick, mentally sick - My question to you, you have a normal Juggalo friend, down for life, all of a sudden his head starts getting fucked up inside, gets this crazy thoughts, symptoms of borderline multiple personalities, would you just f#^@ing leave him there and not defend him in anyway? Real friends stay through to the end.. I'm not saying this justifies what he did because it was wrong and thats the obvious.. Why cant we say a mentally ill Juggalo had some head problems and got the wrong stuff in his head. Just keep an open mind, not everything is what it seems.
all you need to know one thing jacob wasnt '' a gay hunter'' he was a son , a brother , a cousin & a friend ! i am jacobs cousin & you dont realize what all this is doing to the family you guys neeeed to let this die down , my poor cousin had to switch schools because of all the news following this , i am only 14 & i KNOW better than if someone does something wrong you get a consquence but i can truly say you guys SICKEN me , LET IT DIE , THIS IS HARD ENOUGH ON THE FAMILY , LOSING A LOVED ONE TO SOMETHING HORRIBLE ! SO LET IT DIE & STOP SAYING HE GOT WHAT HE DESEVRED , BECAUSE HE WAS A SICK PERSON , MENTALLY & YOU KNOW WHAT , I LOVE JACOB AS MY COUSIN & I FORGIVE HIM FOR WHAT HE DID & EVEN IF YOU DONT I DONT CARE , CAUSE JACOB WAS MY COUSIN & I LOVE HIM & I LOVE MY AUNT SO LEAVE THEM ALONE ! MAN GROW UP JEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZE
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