Gay Killer Still on the Loose
(New Bedford, Massachusetts) Police in New Bedford, Massachusetts believe someone may be helping a man accused of a shooting and hatchet rampage that injured three people in a gay bar on Thursday morning. First he attacked with a hatchet - then pulled out a gun and started shooting.
18 year old Jacob D. Robida was last seen shortly after the attacks when he briefly returned home. His mother told police that Robida had a cut on his head and was bleeding.
A few minutes later he left in her green 1999 Pontiac Grand Am. Despite a New Englandwide alert there has been no sign of either Robida or the car.
It is believed he has little cash on him and that he may be being shielded by friends he met through his personal internet site. Police have seized his computer in the hopes it may reveal names of friends in this coastal community about 50 miles south of Boston.
His Web site is full of references to the rap group Insane Clown Posse - known for its sinister clown makeup and violent lyrics. He posted lyrics from one of the band's songs - "Pass the Ax."
"Pass me something Sharp and Wicked and I'll pass it back don't worry I'll pass it back," the posting read. The logo for the band's label, Psychopathic Records, depicts a silhouette of a man wielding a hatchet.
Using the nickname "Jake Jekyll" Robida also posted pictures of himself on the Web site pointing a gun. The pictures bear the caption "serial killer."
A police search of his home following the attacks turned up Nazi paraphernalia and anti-Semitic writings.
Two people remain in hospital. Alex Taylor is at Massachusetts General Hospital. Police will not disclose the hospital where the other victim, Luis Rosado is being treated out of concerns about his safety. One of the men is in critical condition but police declined to say which one.
Meanwhile, the third victim, Robert Perry, returned to Puzzles bar Friday night, the scene of the attacks. Perry was released from hospital earlier in the day.
Appearing on television Friday night Perry was still visibly shaken. He has a five-inch cut on his right cheek, a hole in the center of his back, where a bullet barely missed his spine, and a black right eye.
He told WBZ television he was playing pool at the back of the club when the attack began.
"And when I turned around, there was this hatchet coming right for my face and it just came right into my face on the right side," Perry said.
"And within -- I would say, no more than five seconds -- I heard a gunshot. I felt a sensation in my back. I smelled the gun powder, and I'm like, 'I think I've been hit.'
"What was going through my mind is that I was going to die soon. This is the end. I knew I was going to die.
"I came so close to being completely paralyzed or being dead," Perry told the station.
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When a man walks into a bar, asks if it's a gay bar and starts shooting...
Shot in the Head Twice - Jacob Robida is dead.

A few minutes later he left in her green 1999 Pontiac Grand Am. Despite a New Englandwide alert there has been no sign of either Robida or the car.
It is believed he has little cash on him and that he may be being shielded by friends he met through his personal internet site. Police have seized his computer in the hopes it may reveal names of friends in this coastal community about 50 miles south of Boston.
His Web site is full of references to the rap group Insane Clown Posse - known for its sinister clown makeup and violent lyrics. He posted lyrics from one of the band's songs - "Pass the Ax."
"Pass me something Sharp and Wicked and I'll pass it back don't worry I'll pass it back," the posting read. The logo for the band's label, Psychopathic Records, depicts a silhouette of a man wielding a hatchet.
Using the nickname "Jake Jekyll" Robida also posted pictures of himself on the Web site pointing a gun. The pictures bear the caption "serial killer."
A police search of his home following the attacks turned up Nazi paraphernalia and anti-Semitic writings.
Two people remain in hospital. Alex Taylor is at Massachusetts General Hospital. Police will not disclose the hospital where the other victim, Luis Rosado is being treated out of concerns about his safety. One of the men is in critical condition but police declined to say which one.
Meanwhile, the third victim, Robert Perry, returned to Puzzles bar Friday night, the scene of the attacks. Perry was released from hospital earlier in the day.
Appearing on television Friday night Perry was still visibly shaken. He has a five-inch cut on his right cheek, a hole in the center of his back, where a bullet barely missed his spine, and a black right eye.
He told WBZ television he was playing pool at the back of the club when the attack began.
"And when I turned around, there was this hatchet coming right for my face and it just came right into my face on the right side," Perry said.
"And within -- I would say, no more than five seconds -- I heard a gunshot. I felt a sensation in my back. I smelled the gun powder, and I'm like, 'I think I've been hit.'
"What was going through my mind is that I was going to die soon. This is the end. I knew I was going to die.
"I came so close to being completely paralyzed or being dead," Perry told the station.
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When a man walks into a bar, asks if it's a gay bar and starts shooting...
Shot in the Head Twice - Jacob Robida is dead.
he was caught. well shot in the head. and he shot a cop and killed some girl. i checked out his myspace also and i think its so funny how his friends are all (well some of them) he didnt do this blahblah hes so nice and one even stated to find good news and not focus on bad news. hmm yea ok lets not talk about the crazy clown kid who likes to take hatches (which btw on amw 2nite they said machedi (sp?) which it wasnt they (the clown ppl) love hatches) anyways i had a clow ppl as a friend well a friend of a friend and he was crazy like that shyt too. there all crazy!
Im am sorry but dont judge ANY Juggalos...or ICP fans by that lunatic! I have been a juggalo for over 12 years and I have never seen or heard of a REAL juggalo doing anything of the sort. Juggalos are like a family. We look out for each other and there is a special bond among us. If you listen to any lyrics about racism that ICP rap about is that it is wrong! They hate bigots and all things racist. They hate the south where this guy was seeking refuge. So I kindly ask you to not judge us on the actions of, but of the actions of the majority. I am free to talk to anyone about can IM me on sn is JuggaloFox. I am always willing to discuss my juggalo heritage and what it really means to be a juggalo!
Thanks for your time
These Democrats aren't despicable. The insurgency is. These loyal patriots are are doing their best to show the Iraqi insurgency is not beatable with the number of troops we have and are showing the lack of a plan by the Bush administration. I'm all for burning the whole country of Iraq and leaving. Nobody seems to like that idea. I must be despicable, too.
Check This Out I Have Been A Juggalo Since 1997 I Have MAny Friends That Are Juggalos. This Guy Was Not A Juggalo First Off If You Listen To The Messaghe Of The Carnival They DO NOT Condone Any Type Of Racism Or Bigotry They Are Comlpetely Against It. Sure They Are Violent But Thats Not All They Are About. Here Is An article And A Message Message Left On About The Incedent: A lot of crazy things have been taking place recently. Of particular interest are the events that took place in New Bedford, Massachusetts only a few days ago. We took a moment to track down the President of Psychopathic Records and ICP's longtime manager, Alex Abbiss, who just got out of a meeting with ICP about this very subject, for his comments and take on what happened.
"What's up, Juggalos? It's been a minute since I've come on this page to talk to y'all. It's too bad I ain't coming out at ya discussing some flavor, but unfortunately, today I'd like to speak out about the incident which took place in New Bedford, Mass. First, I'd like to say that we'd like to extend our condolences to the victims and their families in this tragedy. Our prayers are with you. And with that said, I would now like to address the whole issue.
This guy had problems. Anyone going into a bar swinging an axe and shooting a gun would have to realize that they would get caught and/or get killed, and that this would be the last action they took for the rest of their lives, and would clearly have to be insane and out of their mind to do this.
ICP has sold millions of records, and when you start dealing with numbers that large, it's not that unlikely that one of those purchasers may have already been suffering from some form of mental illness. Are ICP's lyrics violent? The answer is yes. But then again, you can find violence in almost every corner of our society. Violence and entertainment have been around for thousands of years, and will continue to be around for thousands more. Any person whose brain even slightly works normally will realize that listening to a record containing violent lyrics, or watching an action movie filled with violence, or even playing some of the latest and hottest video games will know that when someone gets killed, that it's just fucking make-believe and that no one gets hurt in the real world.
It doesn't take a lot of brainpower to see that ICP are entertainers. I mean, c'mon, if they ever were to hurt anybody, they would be rotting away in Jackson Federal Prison as we speak. Right now, I just love how the media always looks for someone else to blame, never wanting to place blame where blame is due--on the perpetrators of the crime. This concept is just so fucking ridiculous.
You know, one of the top grossing films right now, and possibly of all time, is The Chronicles of Narnia, which I saw and enjoyed. But if a person were out of their mind and watched the movie, they might take their cat and tie it up and ritually sacrifice the poor animal to see if it would come back from the dead. Or worse yet, someone might grab somebody, beat the shit out of them, and then nail them to a cross, and say that they did it because they were overly obsessed with Mel Gibson's movie, The Passion of the Christ. So what would happen then? I mean, we're talking about one of the greatest religious films of all time. Would the media be sweating Mel Gibson about this? Would Mel Gibson himself be sweating it? Or would they come to the conclusion that this happened because the person was out of their mind?
About a year or so ago, some woman down in Texas chopped her newborn baby's arms and legs off because she read in the Bible something like, sever off the limbs to remove sin. Clearly, only an idiot would place blame with the Bible. The woman was obviously out of her mind.
People need to realize that we live in a country of 300 million people, and that a few of those people are gonna be crazy. There's no way around it.
Now, after this guy committed his crime in New Bedford, he took off to Arkansas. If you look at a map, Arkansas and Massachusetts aren't even close. So the big question is, what was he doing down there? And according to, the answer is, he was speculatively going down there to link up with the various KKK, white supremacists, and neo-Nazi groups that live down there. The perpetrator of this crime may have thought that he was a Juggalo. But clearly, after further review, it's quite obvious that this guy had no clue what being a Juggalo is all about. If anyone knows anything at all about ICP, then you know that they have never, ever been down or will be down with any racist or bigotry bullshit.
In my opinion, the perpetrator of this crime committed these acts not because he was a Juggalo, but because he was a neo-Nazi. He subscribed to an ideology of racism and bigotry, and was quite clearly, in my opinion, out of his mind. Anyone that knows anything at all about Juggalos knows that in no way, shape, or form would we ever approve of this type of bullshit behavior.
Lastly, in closing, I wanna say something to help educate the media out there, because I know that they are most likely gonna be picking up my commentary here. Let me now explain to you what a Juggalo really is. Juggalos are just like any other kind of people. They share a common bond, through their music and culture. They like to gather together all the time and hang out with one another. They do this among themselves, and they also come out in hordes for our annual Gathering of the Juggalos. They rarely fight or have problems with one another. They stay down with each other and consider one another to be family. Even though many of them have started off with very little, or nothing at all, they do the best they can to live their lives each and every single day and in general, they are very good people, not to be looked down upon but to be respected by the rest of society. And even though many of them struggle through their days and have it rough, they always know that they have their Juggalo family to fall back on. And we here at Psychopathic wish them all the very best, not just to see them survive--as far as we're concerned, that's not good enough for them--but to see all of them thrive and be prosperous. That's what we hope for every one of them.
Peace, y'all."
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