Jacob Robida - A Wrap Up.
We're getting a ton of traffic from people searching for "Jacob Robida" - so I wanted to do a wrap up of what we've covered so far. I'll try to keep this up at the top of our blog for the next couple of days.
Previous Posts of Jacob Robida (oldest to most recent):
When a man walks into a bar, asks if it's a gay bar and starts shooting...
Gay Killer Still on the Loose
Shot in the Head Twice - Jacob Robida is dead.
We've also archived his MySpace profile as apdf (pdf wasn't working for users) jpg as it is no longer available on MySpace. Click here to view in a new window. It's a large file - just a warning.
Previous Posts of Jacob Robida (oldest to most recent):
We've also archived his MySpace profile as a
your pdf link is broken
Does it make me a bad person if I'm gladthis sicko got whacked?
Nice blog. : )
Anonymous #1:
PDF link works for me. Anyone else having a problem? It does open in a new window - make sure you have your popup blocker off.
No - although it was an easy way out. I have a hard time wondering if that was justice being served... or not. Thanks for the comment re: nice blog.
Bryan Harding
I'm glad for the way everything ended with Robida. We still have law makers that say h@te crime laws aren't necessary. We still have murderers that cop to lesser charges because of our need to modify the existing state definitions of "voluntary manslaughter" in a way that will prohibit defendants from contending that they were provoked to murder simply because they discovered the victim's disability, gender, nationality, race, ethnicity, religion, or sexual orientation. In other words- the gay panic defense gets people off light. I don't expect to
see justice in courts for a lot of people that were and are assaulted. Robida's gone. If his victims can't have justice, at least they can now be safe from him.
Anonymous said...
Im am sorry but dont judge ANY Juggalos...or ICP fans by that lunatic! I have been a juggalo for over 12 years and I have never seen or heard of a REAL juggalo doing anything of the sort. Juggalos are like a family. We look out for each other and there is a special bond among us. If you listen to any lyrics about racism that ICP rap about is that it is wrong! They hate bigots and all things racist. They hate the south where this guy was seeking refuge. So I kindly ask you to not judge us on the actions of, but of the actions of the majority. I am free to talk to anyone about this...you can IM me on yahoo....my sn is JuggaloFox. I am always willing to discuss my juggalo heritage and what it really means to be a juggalo!
Thanks for your time
8:38 PM
I'm here to say that this guy gave us juggalos a bad rep, I have been listening to Icp for about 6 or 7 yrs and I havent met anyone but the coolest people. We always have a bad rep because of music but thats just it its music and entertainment not real life, so I speak on behalf of Juggalo/Juggalettes that we dont hate on groups because we are a group who are hated on daily but we dont like to hate back. So im conclusion I send my thoughts and condolences to the victims families and dont blame Icp for some nutcase and think we are all like that.
I'm having a truly hard time thinking that you tie your personal identity to a band - and call yourself Juggalos - I'm confused. So what the heck does "it really mean to be a juggalo"?
Bryan Harding
Editor, GayRightsWatch.com
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