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CA: Gay rights law earns key vote

In a dramatic shift from just one year ago, the Board of Supervisors has enough votes to pass a resolution supporting state legislation that would grant equal marriage rights to same-sex couples.

Yesterday, Supervisor Adrienne Tissier announced she will vote in favor of a resolution to support a bill by Assemblyman Mark Leno, D-San Francisco, that would change state law and allow gay marriage.

"It's the right thing to do," Tissier said.

Earlier this week, Supervisor Jerry Hill said he had an epiphany and decided he would also support a county resolution to support Leno's bill. Board President Rich Gordon, who has been in a same-sex relationship for nearly 23 years, is in support of the resolution and the state bill. Supervisor Mark Church does not appear to be in support of the bill or the resolution and Supervisor Rose Jacobs Gibson has been silent on the issue.

San Carlos resident Ramona Gatto, who has continually brought up the issue of same-sex marriage rights at the county and state level, sees Tissier's announcement as positive and believes there is still time to make the vote unanimous.

"I'm not looking at the negative side. I'm absolutely stoked, positively elated. It's fantastic," Gatto said.

Although the vote would be ceremonial since the county has limited influence over bills at the state level, the fact that a resolution could come forward for consideration is in itself an accomplishment. Approximately one year ago, Ramona Gatto and her partner Arzu Gatto stood at the county clerk’s office asking to be wed. They were refused.

The same day, San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom asked the city clerk to allow same-sex marriages at City Hall. The gay rights movement forever changed in San Francisco that day with couple after couple lining up to be married. Couples included the Gattos and Belmont Councilman Phil Mathewson and his partner Bob Griffith.

It didn't move so fast in San Mateo County.

The Gattos sought for the county to allow gay marriages here, but were denied. In the meantime, the California Supreme Court ordered San Francisco to stop sanctioning same-sex marriages and invited the city to request a judicial review of Newsom's claim that the state’s ban on gay matrimony violated the civil rights of his same-sex constituents. That legal battle is under way. Later, the Board of Supervisors unanimously condemned a proposed amendment to the U.S. Constitution that would ban gay marriage.

This year, when the Gattos asked again to be married at the county clerk's office on Valentine's Day, Gordon was outside saying he supported Leno's bill and the rights of same-sex couples to marry.

Marina Gatto, Ramona's daughter, said the news the county Board of Supervisors has enough votes to pass a positive resolution gives her cause for cheer.

"This county has definitely come so far in my eyes," she said.

By Jon Mays Daily Journal staff
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