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Maryland Assembly kills two anti-gay marriage bills

Seth Kilbourn, national field director for the Human Rights Campaign, said that Maryland now joins Idaho as the only two states thus far to kill anti-gay marriage measures introduced during the 2005 legislative session.

The Maryland General Assembly rejected two anti-gay marriage bills last week, including one that would have been the first step toward a constitutional amendment to ban marriage for gay couples.

The House Judiciary Committee voted 11-10 against a bill brought by Del. Emmett Burns (D-Baltimore County), which in addition to prohibiting Maryland from recognizing out of state gay unions, would reinforce the state’s existing ban on same-sex marriages.

The committee also agreed to table a constitutional amendment brought by Del. Charles Boutin (R-Cecil & Hartford Counties) that would have banned gay marriage in Maryland.

“Thank goodness the bells of fairness have rung loudly in the Free State and this amendment will not see the light of day,” said Dan Furmansky, executive director of Equality Maryland in a prepared statement.

Jo Deutsch, who lives with her three children and partner Teresa Williams in Prince George’s County, praised lawmakers for rejecting the anti-gay initiatives.

“Obviously, we are thrilled that the state of Maryland did the right thing, that lawmakers realized putting this language into the constitution is unnecessary and discriminatory,” Deutsch said. “We are very happy but we still can’t get married. We don’t have the legal protections that other couples have.”
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