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Let's be Frank.

Ok - so it's a true fact in life that there are thousands of incredible families that have same-sex parents. It's no trend, although as it becomes more and more accepted there will be more and more. So what gives? Why does the right wing feel that they need to hide this?

From Boston:
U.S. Rep. Barney Frank, D-4th, will film an ad defending same-sex parenting in response to the flap over a PBS children's program denounced by the Bush administra
tion for showing kids with lesbian mothers.
The gay-rights group Family Pride Coalition asked the Newton Democrat to appear in the public service announcement after Bush Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings warned PBS in January not to show an episode of "Postcards from Buster."
PBS decided not to distribute the episode in which an animated rabbit visits Vermont to learn about making maple syrup with real children, two of whose parents are lesbians.

But WGBH in Boston, which produces the show, made the episode available to other stations.
"She didn't think children should know there are such things as lesbians in the world, and when you have the administration at that point, it's appropriate to say I think that's not a good way to bring up kids," Frank said.
Frank will film the ad Monday.
Actor B.D. Wong and Karen Pike, one of the mothers from the episode, will also appear in it.
The PSA will appear on a variety of Web sites later this month and will be provided to television outlets. Since it is not a paid ad, the stations must choose to run it.

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