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Alabama Gay Marriage Amendment Moves Forward

(Montgomery, Alabama) A proposed amendment to the Alabama constitution banning same-sex marriage and civil unions is likely to appear on the 2006 primary ballot.

The House approved a Senate version of the bill on Tuesday adding the civil unions ban. It now goes back to the Senate for final ratification - likely to occur on Thursday.

The House voted 85 - 7 on the measure with little debate. The sponsor of the House version, Rep. Yusuf Salamm (D-Selma), said that no "civilized society" has every accepted same-sex marriage.

"The Legislature has a right to promote the general welfare of this state and, to be quite frank, we should be leery of any social experiment that does not have any precedent whatsoever in human history," he said.

Alabama law already prohibits same-sex marriages. But lawmakers in favor of the amendment said they wanted a constitutional ban to prevent courts from striking down the state law.

Rep. Alvin Holmes (D-Montgomery) argued that even though the measure was sponsored by a fellow Democrat it was little more than an effort to help Republicans win elections in 2006.

"This bill has nothing to do with ethical, moral or religious issues. It has to do with the governor's race in Alabama," Holmes said.

Another member asked about the amendment's impact on the transgendered.

"What happens if John becomes Joan through this kind of surgery they do and marries Sarah — are we dealing with same-sex marriage or not?" asked Rep. Demetrius Newton (D-Birmingham).

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