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Rumors about Oregon Supreme Court Ruling on Gay Marriage Challenge

Rumors has been floating around that a ruling would be coming this week - most say late in the week like either today or tomorrow. Chances are that will not happen, but it does look like it will be ruled on in the very near future sources tell us. Possibly this next week.

The Oregon Supreme Court heard the case of Li V. State of Oregon on December 15th, 2004, filed in March by Basic Rights Oregon, the ACLU and nine plaintiff couples seeking marriage equality for same-sex couples.

Let's hope for the best. In the wake of state after state creating more and more harmful DOMA's, this could be a true testament to the belief in fairness and equality that we have come to expect from The State of Oregon.
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By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/9/05, 4:07 PM

Okay....so weeks have passed since March 10 and still nothing from the Supreme Court. Is anyone hearing and new rumors about WHEN the decision will come down and what the decision will be?    

By Blogger Gavin S., at 4/9/05, 4:15 PM

See these two postings:

Oregon: Judge's civil unions deadline in legal limbo

Deadline worry delays Oregon same-sex union bills    

By Blogger Gavin S., at 4/9/05, 4:18 PM

No one has any idea what the ruling will be - although is you go to the link below for more info on what different ruling will mean. As far as when - readd those above postings that I linked to.

Li/Kennedy v. State of Oregon - Six Possibilities When The Supreme Court Rules    

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