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HRC Appoints New Leader

(Washington) The Human Rights Campaign has appointed a longtime Democratic political activist as its new president.

HRC, the nation's largest LGBT civil rights organization, Wednesday named Joe Solmonese to the post vacated last year by former Massachusetts State Senator Cheryl Jacques.

Solmonese comes to HRC from his post as chief executive officer of EMILY's List, the nation's largest political action committee.

He has been at EMILY's List for the last twelve years serving in several key capacities from deputy political director, to chief of staff and the CEO position he's occupied for the past two-and-a-half years.

A native of Massachusetts, the out Solmonese is 40 and lives in Washington, DC. He is a graduate of Boston University and has a bachelor of science in communications.

"Joe has an unrivaled track record at the nation's foremost progressive electoral powerhouse," said Vic Basile, co-chair of the HRC Foundation Board. "We are confident that he will appeal to Americans across the political and ideological spectrum."

He will officially take over at HRC on April 11. Solmonese said one of his first acts will be a tour of the country to "meet with the American people, GLBT community members and leaders at town hall meetings and other events in the workplace, communities of color and in communities of faith."

"We must tell the stories of our lives and the struggles we face to our straight friends, co-workers and family members," Solmonese said in a statement

"Increasing our presence and visibility across America will be a top priority of my tenure."

The appointment won praise from the nation's most visible gay Member of Congress.

"I am very happy that Joe will be the next President of HRC," said Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) "By his talent, commitment and experience, he is ideally suited to help lead the fight for the central American value of equal rights under the law."

Even gay Republicans were satisfied.

"Joe has an impressive record as an effective fundraiser, proven manager and smart political leader," said Patrick Guerriero, President, Log Cabin Republicans.

"As HRC's new President, Joe will be a strong and passionate voice in our fight for equality for LGBT Americans. Joe has my personal and organizational support as we work together to develop a smart and ambitious bipartisan strategy to realize full equality for all Americans in the years ahead," Guerriero said.

Jacques resigned as HRC President in November, three weeks after the general election. Her tenure at the organization was marked by friction with the Board.

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