California Anti-Gays Lose
A conservative Christian group has failed to collect enough signatures to force a vote to repeal a California law protecting students from discrimination, harassment and bullying in publicly-funded schools.
But a legal challenge to the law is still before the courts.
Save Our Kids, the organization that spearheaded the referendum effort says it collected over 350,000 signatures to overturn the law - far short of the required 434,000 signatures that had to be turned in on Friday.
The Student Civil Rights Act, passed and signed into law by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger last year, mandates that teachers and school administrators fully understand their responsibilities to protect LGBT youth.
Various California laws have prohibited discrimination in public education on the basis of sexual orientation, gender, religion, race, disability and gender for a number of years.
But in some instances school administrators have been unclear about all the laws and what they need to do to fight bullying. The Student Civil Rights Act updated the existing Education Code to bring all the discrimination laws under one section.
Opponents of the law have claimed it will force schools to "promote homosexuality" and to "persecute Christians who oppose homosexuality".
"Opponents of SB 777 have been spreading misinformation and outright lies for months, and whether they actually collected 350,000 signatures, we will never know," said Equality California Executive Director Geoff Kors.
"What is clear is that they failed. Despite their vicious attack, Californians stood with us and said 'no' to turning back the clock on civil rights and protecting all youth from discrimination in our schools."
via 365 Gay
Labels: anti-bully, anti-discrimination, anti-gay, california, losers
I love that erroneous title, Save Our Kids. When it's exactly the OPPOSITE. And, clearly and of course, we've learned all about signature-gathering efforts here in Oregon. And, just like California, it's not over. Sigh.
anyone who doesn't support this law is an idiot which is obvious since it protects people from discrimination from an imaginary deity. Nevermind how ridiculous religion is, but lets go with the bible which says god gives free will, then leave the gays alone it's not your job to judge only gods according to your bullshit religion
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