One Oregon, One Hope: A Community in Mourning
Following Friday's ruling from a Multnomah County Federal Court delaying Oregon's Domestic Partnership law from going into effect on January 1st (story here), there are a myriad of emotions swirling around each and every one of our heads.
The sorrow, the anger, the crushing of a thousand dreams, the basic aspiration that one day very soon each and every Oregon family would be granted their basic human right to take care of one another in times of crisis.
Right now we feel defeated. Right now we feel trampled on. For far too long we have fought tooth and nail to just get to this day. And now with the banging of a gavel, we again are forced to wait in a state of what seems like perpetual limbo. Many of us want to take to the streets demanding that our voices be heard and be heard loud... but that won't get our families anywhere. Right now we must remain focused on those actions that can truly make a positive difference. Actions that will show the strength and unity of our community and allies.
The magnitude of what we as Oregonians have accomplished to get to this day cannot and will not go unnoticed. For many of us it is far too easy to become discouraged. My fellow Oregonians, we have been here before and what did we do? We dusted ourselves off and got right back up.
As a voice in this community I urge all of us to give everything we've got to give. We are so close to putting an end to inequality for gay and lesbian couples. If we give up right now - we could lose it all.
I call upon all of you. Gay, straight, fellow Oregonians and fellow non-Oregonians. We can create lasting change in Oregon by taking the opportunity to close the book on this chapter of history.
Please join my partner and me in making a donation to the one organization in Oregon that has the power, the means and knowhow to seal the deal on equality. Click here to make a donation to Basic Rights Oregon. They have set up a legal defense fund specifically for this case and your gift is 100% tax- deductible.
Again, whether you are straight or gay has no bearing. We're all in this together, one Oregon, one hope and one shared vision of basic equality. Please make a contribution to the Basic Rights Oregon legal fund now. Be it $25 or $500, each and every dollar helps. Or, make a $60 contribution - the exact amount that it would have (and will someday soon!) cost to register for a Domestic Partnership.
And for those of us craving an opportunity to demonstrate our strength as a community, meet up at Q Center (69 SE Taylor at Water Avenue) for a candlelight vigil organized by BRO on Wed., January 2nd from 5:30 to 7pm. Community leaders, our families, neighbors and allies will be there to stand with us, and together we will make sure the public understands the harm this delay will cause to committed couples and our families.
I leave you now with the words of a dear friend. Her beautiful words sum up what we're feeling and offers her very personal account of her journey to equality.
Did you hear that sound?
That's the sound of me being kicked in the stomach again. Yeah, it hurts. It's the same pain I felt after Measure 36, when the state ruled my marriage was invalid.
There it is again. That sound.
When we received the refund check from the county for our marriage license.
That sound? I hear it every day. Every week. All the time. It's the sound of inequalities of gay and lesbian couples in Oregon who are denied the benefits of marriage that our friends, family and other members of the Oregon community enjoy.
Enjoy? They're actually benefits that really matter mainly in times of life or death. The stories I've heard..of the partner of a war veteran denied being handed the flag at his partner's funeral. Of an emergency room scenario where a partner is denied access to be at the bedside of their loved one. Of a partner whose name was crossed through on their child's birth certificate because she was not "wed" to the birth mother. The list goes on and on of the stories I've heard. They're horrible, and tragic, and they hurt.
And today? There's the sound again.
Just days before AdRi and I planned on going to the county courthouse and registering as domestic partners, a judge has delayed the laws. Thanks to the outside influence of an Arizona based organization fighting the laws here in Oregon, AdRi and I will just cool our heels. Again. And wait. Despite that we've been together over ten years. Despite that we celebrated our marriage with friends and family 3 years ago. Despite.....the list could go on forever, really.
Sigh. Yes, we'll wait. We'll wait to stand in line to get a partial list of benefits that the majority of people in this country benefit from, when this makes it through the courts.
Make the difference. Unite with your family, friends and neighbors and make a contribution to the BRO legal fund to ensure that Oregon's Domestic Partnership law rightly goes into law. Again, it is 100% tax-deductable so make your donation quick before the end of the year if you'd like to get it on your 2007 taxes.
Candlelight Vigil Wednesday in Portland
Join with us and a community that supports you, at a candlelight vigil, Wednesday, January 2nd, at Q Center with Basic Rights Oregon. 5:30-7pm. 69 SE Taylor (at Water Avenue)
Labels: basic rights oregon, domestic partnership, lawsuit, oregon
I'm trying to keep the spirit alive and hope in my heart....but it's a drag. Sad. Depressing. All at the hands of "Jesus LOVERS." (Do you think they have any idea that Jesus would have absolutely NOTHING TO DO WITH THEM??). Hugs to all.
Like I said: beautiful, passionate and true.
We are going to win this.
I was supposed to get my 3rd Domestic Partnership tomorrow. (we already have Washington & California.) It would have been such a wonderful way to celebrate our 5th anniversary!! I'm so deeply sad that our rights as a couple are in such jeopardy.
But you know what?
I'm not in Mourning.
For 35 years, the Oregon GLBT community has been trying to get an anti-discrimination law passed. And we did. It's in effect!! RIGHT NOW!! And it includes everybody- GLB & T!! I'm so glad our transgendered community was not left behind!!
Go to the vigil. Light a candle. Make a donation. Show your outrage. But do not forget to take a moment to celebrate. This is a victory that took THIRTY FIVE years to reach!! I know that there were many weathered faces that I saw at the club last night that spent years wondering if they would ever see this day.
The joy in their faces for this particular New Year was good to see, and truly warmed my heart.
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