Statewide Candlelight Vigils TONIGHT!

Tonight all across Oregon there will be candlelight vigils held - this comes on the heels of a federal judge halting Oregon's Domestic Partnership law, that would have gone into effect today, until at least February 1st. On February 1 there will be a hearing on the matter and the judge will then decide whether of not our law will go into effect. For more on the background of the story we direct you to an earlier post.
Those of us from Gay Rights Watch will be at the Portland vigil and we strongly encourage you to join us in masses. This is all part of the massive response from Basic Rights Oregon. Our community, be it straight or gay, must join together and stand up against injustice to our fellow Oregonians.
The Q Center (69 SE Taylor)
5:30 - 7:00 pm
Grace Chapel (1166 Oak Street)
5:30 - 7:00 pm
Meet at the First United Methodist Church Community Center (11th and Jackson) at 5:30, then walk to the Benton County Courthouse (120 NW Fourth).
Adjourn at 6:30 to Iovino's Restaurant.
This event was organized jointly between Corvallis-Albany PFLAG and Corvallis BRAT.
Candlelight Vigil and Celebration of Equality
Meet at 5:30 at the corner of Wall and Greenwood.
Afterwards, join us for a celebration of all relationships at The Summit at 125 Oregon St.
This event was organized jointly between BRO and the Human Dignity Coalition
Ashland First Congregational United Church of Christ
717 Siskiyou Boulevard
5:30 - 7:00 pm
Salem City Hall (555 Liberty St. SE)
Meet at the north entrance to city hall (the end towards the creek). Supporters will gather under the overhang near the fountain.
Courthouse clock tower (corner of SE 4th and Court Ave.) 5:30pm
Candles will be provided. Dress warmly!
Labels: basic rights oregon, domestic partnership, oregon, portland
I promise to be there. Candle in hand.
As a canadian living in Portland, Oregon. For once in my entire life, I finally know what it is like to be a second class citizen. And it sucks.
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