Hey Iraq... Fuck You.
This is so atrocious. Bush's dream of bringing freedom and democracy was lost years ago, that isn't news. Though there is news today that the Iraqi "government" has agreed to grant amnesty to prisoners - unless they are terrorists or GAY.
The Iraq government is considering the release of some 5,000 prisoners but a spokesperson said it would not include terrorists or homosexuals.
The Iraqi government has about 20,000 people in custody, while the U.S. military holds about 25,000.
Homosexuality itself is not illegal in Iraq, but police regularly arrest gays on other charges often trumped up.
The amnesty bill drafted by the Shiite-dominated government falls far short of Sunni demands. About the only thing on which the two sides agree is that imprisoned gays not be freed.
Fucking disgusting. Also in the article it explains how gay and lesbians are being killed and the U.S. troops basically ignore it:
Death squads imposing strict Islamic law are reportedly responsible for the murders of hundreds of gay men across Iraq.
Last year the leader of an exiled Iraqi LGBT rights group told a London conference on homophobia that that militias blamed for the murders of hundreds of gay men and women are sanctioned by the government and the US-led coalition is doing little to stop the killings.
via 365gay.com
Labels: human rights, iraq, military
Oh my god, that is SO NOT GOOD. Not surprising, not at all. And we're strugglin with basic civil union legislation here. Sort of pales by comparison.
I am very angry for Iraq that way they treat gay people in bad idea. I have a good friend who is from Iraq when he was in Portland for 2 weeks now he had go back.I have no hear from him since he left. I am very worry about his safety right now.
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