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New Mexico Senate OKs Gay Marriage Ban

When will we stop being used as political tools for the rightwing?

Legislation aimed at preventing same-sex marriage in New Mexico cleared the Senate Wednesday.

The upper house voted 25 - 12, moving the measure to the House.

The so-called defense of marriage act would define marriage in New Mexico as the union of one man and one woman.

Democrats argued that such a definition is discriminatory.

“If we choose to vote for this bill today, we choose to give up our freedoms. Not because there’s a valid reason to do it, but because we believe in our fears, not in our hopes,” Democrat Cisco McSorley, “ told Senators before the vote.

Sen. Phil Griego in an impassioned speech told fellow senators about his late brother Billy. Griego said that Billy and his partner, Jim were part of every family get-together and celebration.

"I would rather have seen Billy and Jim raise 10 kids than some heterosexual couples," Griego said.

"We have a measure here today that will define a certain group of New Mexicans, cut them out and separate them. . . . That's not right," Griego said.

But Republicans were adamant that the legislation was needed to protect traditional marriage.

“Defining marriage for many of us is relatively easy when you view marriage, the central social institution of our society, as an evolution of the natural order,” said Republican Mark Boitano.

Governor Bill Richardson says that he would sign a bill defining marriage as the union of a man and a woman, but only if it had a civil union component that would protect same-sex couples.

Legislation that would permit civil unions remains tied in a Senate committee.

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