Oregon Anti-Gay Lawsuit Filed Today
Today, anti-gay fanatics filed a lawsuit in federal court against the invalidation of petition #303, an attempt to overturn Oregon's Domestic Partnership law that goes into effect in less than a month on January 1, 2008. Because honestly why not? You already failed twice at stripping the rights of Oregon families - what's one more?
The lawsuit by the notorious extremist group "Alliance Defense Fund" was filed against the Oregon Secretary of State, as well as "several Oregon county clerks".
First - why was it filed in federal court? Last time we checked none of the participating attorney's for the gay hating bigots were licensed to practice law in this state, but it looks like they found some jack ass attorney's to fill those shoes.
Lets all take a step back at the big picture here. The group (Restore America) who sent the email announcing the details of this lawsuit have now moved to Tennessee. Oh what? Thanks for the reminder. They also have a major elections violation filed against them. They've taken part in a quite fraudulent scheme of raising funds. You can read more about that here.
The following is from "Restore America" announcing the lawsuit. It's basically a bunch of bullshit but we're trying to be "fair and balanced" like their favorite news channel:
ADF attorneys filed a lawsuit on behalf of several Oregonians whose signatures were invalidated by clerks' offices in 12 different counties. Many of the citizens sought, in person, to have their signatures revalidated since no legitimate reason existed to reject their signatures, but the clerks refused.
You can download a copy of the complaint here. So much fun!
No response yet from Basic Rights Oregon - I assume that will come within the next couple days depending on how serious they take this 'final anti-gay attempt of 2007'.
Deuces queer haters.
Labels: domestic partnership, HB 2007, lawsuit, oregon
Ugh. Sigh. Anybody tired yet? What would Jesus do?
It doesnt matter what Jesus would have done; it matters what people of modern times would have done. I wonder why people base their morals on a person that lived thousands of years ago.
>>Oregon Anti-Gay Lawsuit
>It's basically a bunch of bullshit but we're trying to be "fair and balanced"
The lawsuit alledges that proper procedures were not followed concerning the Referendum 303 petition. For example: valid signatures were deemed invalid, voters were not appraised of this invalidation as required by Oregon voting laws, when voters active went to clerks validate signatures the clerks would not contrary to Oregon voting laws.
The lawsuit isn't anti-gay, it's pro-Democratic
I found 3 references to "Restore America". HGTV Restore America did an episode in Tennessee. There is a general contractor in Tennessee that does building repair work. And a Oregon voting PAC in -oddly enough- Oregon.
They told the New York Times that they moved to Tennessee.
Anything that seeks to have a verification system go out of its way to deny the same statues that are normally applied to everybody else is not being "pro-Democratic". What a crock. They couldn't survive the same system everybody else goes through, so only now they're saying it's because the system did it wrong. However, they were right there the whole process.
It's typical. Fundamentalists want special rights, but they know that's bad for PR. So while they chase after special rights, they loudly accuse the most vulnerable of wanting special rights.
This is the sme Nazi/Fundamentalist Cult no matter where in the country I go. They have indoctrinated the weak minded
and are gaining converts. Read:
"Expose: The Christian Mfia"
"Jesus Plus Nothing:Undercover among America's secret theocrats"
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