Oregon Republicans Are Bored.
It seems as though Oregon's own GOP has run out of steam and more importantly good ideas. The below video clearly demonstrates this point. In a recent newsletter they included this video that is a Jib Jab 'Create Your Own' video. They've put the heads of Oregon's Democratic Leadership on the bodies of can can dancers. Did I mention they only used males?
You'd think that after the loads of money that tobacco companies have given them to kill the Healthy Kids Act that they could have had a real video made. Here is the video (more commentary below):
I think that there is something important to be said here about the statement they are making. They way I read their intent is to make the Democratic Leadership look like 'sissy's' or as Arnold said, "girly men". I think this speaks loud and clear to the male chauvinist attitude in Oregon's GOP.
Personally I never knew that our Governor was such a great dancer. Go Ted!
Labels: oregon, republican
What about that incredible scissor kick from Merkley? Well done, senator!
Do we dare say U.S. Senator?
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