Republican Presidential Candidates Repulse Me...
And are very out of step with the majority of America when it comes to Don't Ask, Don't Tell. Need proof? Watch this back-assward attempts at answering questions regarding DADT. Fucking disgusting and so disrespectful towards a man who served our country for 42 years in the armed forces. Via the YouTube debates.
Labels: 2008 Presidential Election, DADT, dickheads, republican
I am so pissed off I can't stand it now. What a bunch of removed, so not attached, so programmed. And I loved it when he said that men and women are being removed simply because they are gay...not because of a disservice or inability to do their job well. Idiots. All. of. Them. So which idiot is it that you'd like to see become president?
Rudy Gulianni even if he did not say anything. I'll be seriously disapointed in this country if they vote Republican this time around which I do not think will happen, but its too soon to say of course.
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