New Jersey official: Civil unions a "failure"
Although New Jersey civil unions are a "magnificent advance" for same-sex couples, they're not living up to their legislative mandate to be the equivalent of marriage, according to Frank Vespa-Papaleo, the state's civil rights director and the chair of a commission on the new law. "To me as a commissioner, the testimony revealed overwhelmingly that the civil union law has been a failure," he said.
Read the whole story over here.
Labels: civil union, new jersey
Maybe. Maybe not. It's all very much in perspective and where you've come from and where you're going. I'd call many a "marriage" of heterosexuals a clear failure too.
Not a failure within the relationships. A failure within the law and how the rights are created.
This just goes to show how civil unions and marriages are NOT equal. LGBT families need the security and support that only marriage can provide.
Over here in California, I've been asking my friends, family and co-workers to take a look at the Let California Ring campaign. It's an effort to open hearts and minds across the state and educate the public about the importance of the freedom to marry. Maybe something similar could work in New Jersey?
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