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Oregon Set to Make 'Gay' History

Sunday, April 29, 2007

In what will be the last vote on Oregon domestic parnterships benefits (House Bill 2007), this week should prove to be a pivotal moment in Oregon's hisotry. As a pioneer state, from the Beach Bill to the Bottle Bill, we're set to again make history. Upon the passage of the most comprehensive domestic partnership bill in the nation's history, Oregon will become the first state in the nation to pass any sort of relationship rights bill after passing a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage.

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Rep. Dennis Richardson: We Can't Wait For the Next Election

Friday, April 27, 2007

To no surprise, Representative Richardson continues to sling disparaging remarks about the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community. In a recent press release he sent out regarding Basic Rights Oregon calling him out on his comparison between the massacre at Virginia Tech and the passage of Senate Bill 2 and House Bill 2007. He said, "It is regrettable that Basic Rights Oregon continues it's policy of providing misinformation to the public."

Ech hem.

A 'policy of misinformation' seems to be the standard protocol for Richardson's office. Whether comparing the GLBT community to smokers and drug addicts, or stating on the floor of the Oregon House that 'gays were more likely to commit crimes against children', it is painfully clear that his erroneous rhetoric is nothing but bigotry and completely uninformed.

For a man who claims to stand for pro-family values, he sure has no problem tossing thousands of Oregon families to the wolves--left to fend for themselves in times of extreme crisis.

As Oregon's Domestic Partnerships bill (HB 2007) heads to the Senate floor, I hope that all Senators are able to see through the fabrications of propaganda of which Rep. Richardson's blurred belief system in regards to gay and lesbians and their families.

As Basic Rights Oregon said in a recent their statement condemning Rep. Richardson's remarks, "While our nation mourns the unprecedented loss of life at Virginia Tech, and tries to recover from the enormity of this loss, Rep. Richardson makes a vulgar comparison insulting to not only Oregonians, but to those most deeply impacted by the massacre. For Richardson to say that protecting Oregon families in times of crisis is equivalent to the mass murder of some of the best and brightest America has to offer is beyond extremely distasteful--it is outright abhorrent."

BRO also said, "Oregonians know the value of being able to protect your family--and this bill directly reflects that long-held belief. Basic Rights Oregon is very optimistic that Oregon's Senators vote will in favor of basic fairness for all Oregon families, a value very much in step with the majority of Oregonians."

Enough said.

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Iowa Becomes 19th State to Pass Anti-Discrimination Legislation

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Just a week after Oregon, Iowa becomes the 19th state to pass an anti-discrimination bill.

Read story here.

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Oregon Representative Dennis Richardson Compares Virginia Tech Tragedy to Passage of Gay Rights Bills

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

In a newsletter to his constituents, Oregon State Rep. Dennis Richardson (R - Central Point) made a statement comparing the horrific events at Virginia Tech to the Oregon House passing Senate Bill 2 (Anti-Discrimination) and House Bill 2007 (Domestic Partnerships).

This is surprisingly low--even for Rep. Richardson.

Here are his statements:

This past week has been like no other. On Monday the world witnessed the tragedy at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Virginia. On Tuesday Oregon witnessed the passage of Domestic Benefits for same-sex couples (HB 2007) and Civil Rights based on sexual orientation. I will address each of these issues below and end will a postscript on last week’s Rachel story.

If that quote makes you feel the same way it made me feel, here is his office phone number in Salem: 503-986-1404 and his email rep.dennisrichardson@state.or.us.

Rep. Richardson owes Oregonians an apology.

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Washington Governor Signs Domestic Partnership Bill

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Yesterday, Governor Chris Gregoire signed into law, legislation to give gay and lesbian couples some of the rights that come with marriage.

The domestic partnership bill will create a domestic partnership registry with the state, and provide enhanced rights for same-sex couples, including hospital visitation rights, the ability to authorize autopsies and organ donations and inheritance rights when there is no will.

To be registered, couples would have to share a home, not be married or in a domestic relationship with someone else, and be at least 18.

Now, California and Washington both have domestic partnership laws on the book. The two vary in the amount of rights given to those couples in the Domestic Partnership. Washington's give about a dozen rights and protections, whereas California's law is more expansive.

Oregon will soon be next on the short list of states that offer domestic partnerships benefits at a statewide level. Oregon's House Bill 2007 passed the Oregon House 34-26 this past week and is heading to the Oregon Senate shortly. This week Oregon also passed Senate Bill 2, The Oregon Equality Act, which will ban discrimination based on sexual orientation (GLBT or straight) in areas such as housing, employment, public accommodation and public education. The Governor has pledged to sign both bills when they reach his desk.

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ENDA Introduced Next Tuesday

Friday, April 20, 2007


Washington, DC--Reps. Barney Frank (D-MA), Deborah Pryce (R-OH), Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) and Christopher Shays (R-CT), along with representatives from the religious, corporate and advocacy community, will hold a press conference to announce the reintroduction of the bipartisan Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) on Tuesday, April 24 at 1:00 p.m. The proposed legislation will extend important federal employment protections to gay men and lesbians and will prohibit employment discrimination based on gender identity. Every year, qualified hard-working Americans are denied job opportunities because of who they are. Countless others live in fear of losing their jobs. In 33 states, it is legal to fire someone who is otherwise qualified simply because of his or her sexual orientation; the same is true in 42 states based on gender identity. ENDA is aimed at addressing this problem on a national level.

Here it goes. For more information on ENDA you can go here.

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Senate Bill 2 Passes Oregon Senate Again

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Today in the Oregon Senate, Senate Bill 2, a bill that will ban discrimination based on sexual orientation in employment, housing and public accommodation passed in a concurrence vote (they had to concur with the House amendment on the religious exemption).

So that's that folks! 34 years in the making! 17 consecutive legislative session and 2007 was the year it finally passed. The Governor has 30 days from now to sign the bill which he has promised to do.

Basic Rights Oregon blogged live today from the floor session, you can read it here.


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"Restore America" Plans on Bringing Senate Bill 2 and House Bill 2007 to Ballot in Oregon

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

When the extremists aren't extreme enough. The crazies must step in. Today, I personally got a chance to witness the Oregon House votes on SB 2 and HB 2007. I also happened to be on my cell phone outside of the House Gallery while David Crowe of "Restore America" was also on his cell phone talking to a fellow extremist as they planned their next moves... meaning their next email.

Here it is...

House Defies the People of Oregon: Enshrines Another form of Marriage and Morality Into Oregon Law
April 17, 2007

LAKE OSWEGO, Oregon - By a vote of 34-26 along party lines, the Oregon House of Representatives Voted today to override the will of the Oregon people, instituting same sex marriage by another name, 'domestic partnerships,' formerly titled 'civil unions.'

With every House democrat and three republicans voting for the first of Governor Kulongoski's political payoff bills, the House defied the people of Oregon who clearly said in 2004 that they wanted marriage to be between a man and a woman only.

Installing Coerced Acceptance of Immoral Behavior
By a vote of 35 to 25 with the same three republicans and one more joining all the democrats, the House completely ignored the well reasoned, objective, and clearly demonstrated objections to the bill by House Republicans.
In effect, they ignored the wisdom of several millennia, basing their arguments not on facts, but anecdotal stories, even asserting that all the categories provided protections in SB 2 were biologically determined, when in fact there is not one shred of evidence to support their position.

In short it was a scene of the worst sort of obfuscation, assertion without facts, feelings without wisdom, and political chicanery you can imagine. Clearly, there was an agenda without factual support, and the democrats could not withstand the truth. So they ignored it for what they believed was political benefit, to them and their supporters.

What Now?
The people of Oregon deserve people in office who respect their wishes, not those of a small minority who wish to impose their morality upon others while forcing acquiescence by using the authority of human law, in disregard of God's Law.
Our next step in opposing these bills is a Referral to the people of Oregon. They have the right to approve or disapprove the actions of the legislature. And considering the clear disinterest of the democrat majority to honor the will of the people, that is what should be done.

Given the fact that the Oregon Family Council (OFC) has stated publicly that they do not intend to initiate a referral, Restore America will. Christians are commanded to love our neighbor, not just place sandbags around the church to the neglect of those we, and He, say He loves. We are to stand for Truth and Righteousness, and that we shall do.

55,179 valid signatures of registered voters is required to place the Referendum on the next General Election Ballot. These laws would not go into effect until 30 days after that election.

Please continue to read and forward our Updates, Alerts, and Commentaries. More details will follow in the next few days.

How Our Representatives Voted
My next email will outline how our representatives voted. For now, it is important to get this information to you as quickly as possible.

"In quietness and confidence shall be your strength." Isaiah 30:15
"Be not deceived, God is not mocked." Galatians 6:7
"If God be for us, who can be against us?" Romans 8:31
"We are more than conquerors through Him that loved us." Romans 8:37
"Arise therefore, and be doing, and the LORD be with thee." I Chronicles 22:16

David Crowe
Executive Director

So there you have it. Not only do you have your fill of Bible verses for the day, you also see that "Restore America" doesn't think that The Oregon Family Council is extreme enough and that SB 2 and HB 2007 will go to the ballot on "Restore America's" dime.

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Domestic Partnerships and Anti-Discrimination Pass Oregon House Today

Today in the Oregon House, two major pro-equality bills passed.

Senate Bill 2, which would ban discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity in situations like employment, housing and piblic accommodation passed the House in a vote of 35-25.

House Bill 2007, which would grant same-sex couples many of the rights currenly only available to straight married couples--via Domestic Partnerships--passed 34-26.

It is a great day for Oregon. A very great day.

To take a look back at Basic Rights Oregon's "live blogging" from the vote, click here.


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Tomorrow: The Big Vote In The Oregon House

Monday, April 16, 2007

Tomorrow, House Bill 2007 and Senate Bill 2 will get their first chance in the Oregon House. Basic Rights Oregon says that they will have live blog coverage starting right before floor session (session starts at 10am) tomorrow. We'll put a link up as soon as they have it up.

Tomorrow shall prove to be one of the biggest day in queer rights history in Oregon--and this time for the good.

Good night all! Here is to a successful tomorrow! I am going to try and be there during the vote, just can't promise it.


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Males More Likely Born Gay, Sexuality Is Written in the Genes

Friday, April 13, 2007

The NY Times has a pretty great piece on human sexuality and DNAWhen it comes to the matter of desire, evolution leaves little to chance. Human sexual behavior is not a free-form performance, biologists are finding, but is guided at every turn by genetic programs.

Desire between the sexes is not a matter of choice. Straight men, it seems, have neural circuits that prompt them to seek out women; gay men have those prompting them to seek other men. Women’s brains may be organized to select men who seem likely to provide for them and their children. The deal is sealed with other neural programs that induce a burst of romantic love, followed by long-term attachment.

So much fuss, so intricate a dance, all to achieve success on the simple scale that is all evolution cares about, that of raisingthe greatest number of children to adulthood. Desire may seem the core of human sexual behavior, but it is just the central act in a long drama whose script is written quite substantially in the genes.

In the womb, the body of a developing fetus is female by default and becomes male if the male-determining gene known as SRY is present. This dominant gene, the Y chromosome’s proudest and almost only possession, sidetracks the reproductive tissue from its ovarian fate and switches it into becoming testes. Hormones from the testes, chiefly testosterone, mold the body into male form.

Continue reading at the NY Times


Mollala Does Right and Allows GSA. Tootie Smith Loses.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

As first written about over at Loaded Orygun, the lastest news as of today is that the Molalla principal approves gay-straight alliance, despite objections from people like the devil's spawn, Tootie Smith, the lobbyist for the Oregon Family Council.

Despite their hate for real Oregon families... (I will save that post for later)

Here it is from the Oregonian:

After weeks of local controversy, Molalla High School Principal Kevin Ricker this week approved students' request to launch a Gay-Straight Alliance club.

Two students originally proposed the club in February to promote tolerance of diverse sexual orientation, said Tanya Earle, a teacher and club adviser. The students drafted a constitution and submitted it to student leaders, who approved it after some debate, and forwarded it to Ricker for final approval.

In recent weeks, a group of concerned parents gathered signatures on a petition opposing the club and met with school officials. Tootie Smith, who helped circulate the petition, declined to comment on approval of the club. Smith is a district parent, former state representative and a lobbyist for the Oregon Family Council.

Wayne Kostur, superintendent of Molalla River School District, said Ricker's decision was in line with school standards governing student organizations: "It appears to me that the students who wished to form that group did so in the appropriate fashion, and once they met the criteria that were established, the principal approved it."

Sorry Tootie. Homophobia lost. You lost.

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BREAKING: Senate Bill 2, Anti-Discrimination Goes to House Floor

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Just a quick update: Senate Bill 2 was just moments ago passed out of the Oregon House Rules Committee in a 5-1 vote.

Now both House Bill 2007 (domestic partnerships) and Senate Bill 2 (Anti-discrimination) will head to the floor for a full vote in the House.


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BREAKING: Oregon Domestic Partnership Bill Moves to Full Vote in House

This morning, the Oregon House Elections, Ethics and Rules Committee voted 5-2 in bipartisan support to recommend due pass on House Bill 2007.

For over six hours yesterday the committee heard testimony on this bill and Senate Bill 2, a bill that would ban discrimination in employment, housing and public accommodation. This morning's work session was supposed to be on both SB 2 and HB 2007, but the committee needed more time to go through the testimony on Senate Bill 2, as most of the testimony was geared at that one. It seems that the already broad religious exemption is the main argument from the extremely right-leaning Christian right who oppose it. There may be discussion on that this evening at 5pm.

The problem is that these people who oppose the religious exemption as written are not simply opposed to the religious exemption as we heard loud and clear during testimony last night. They are simply anti-gay.

More to come.

For more related to these two bills:
House Bill 2007
Senate Bill 2
Oregon's Civil Rights Fight

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The Russians Have Landed and They Are Wearing Dolce & Gabanna

Monday, April 09, 2007

So I'm sitting here at the Capitol waiting for the hearing on Senate Bill 2 and House Bill 2007 to begin. I got here pretty early and was lucky to witness the "Youth Morality". It was quite disgusting. If they were a "shining example" of youth morality--it's pretty damn sad. These 16, 17 and 18 year old kids had no clue why they were there other than to be used as pawns by the Oregon Family Council.

They came by the hundreds with stickers that read SB 2 & HB 2007 with a big "X" through it. Many of them are wearing about 5 of those all over their bodies and some had "One Man. One Woman. Yes on 36" bumper stickers on their backs. It is quite disgusting. I wanted to say to them, "That was so three years ago". But the humor would have been lost on them for a number of reasons. The main reason being that 95% of them only spoke Russian. Another funny observation was that many of these people were not even of voting age. Half of them didn't know why they were there and the other half would say "fag" or "dyke" as people on our side of the argument walked by them (which is a bit unavoidable as they are all out in the galleria).

Another funny thing that I noticed is that these boys are wearing these anti-gay stickers all over there body-yet sporting Dolce & Gabanna from head to toe. Did I mention Senate Bill 2 would cover perceived or real sexual orientation? 'Nuff said.

And finally the sad reality of the night was that you know there were plenty of closeted young adults there who are dragged out by their parents or by their Russian Orthodox youth group. I truly feel sorry for them.


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Senate Bill 2 and House Bill 2007 Get House Hearing

This morning the Oregon House Elections, Ethics and Rules Committee began to hear invited testimony on Oregon's House Bill 2007 and Senate Bill 2. Testimony was quite controlled, although it should get pretty nasty (from the opposition). They pull out all the Focus on the Family and right-wing hate group rhetoric.

It seems that the only arguement that they can actually try and put some muscle behind is the religious exemption in the bill. For more on that read this previous post.

Anyway, I plan on being at the public testimony tonight at 5:30pm--plans are for it to end at 9:30pm. Things are looking good though.


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New Hampshire's House Approves Civil Union Bill

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Today, New Hampshire's House of Representatives voted overwhelming to give gay couples nearly the same rights as married couples by voting 243 to 129 on Wednesday to allow civil unions for gays and lesbians.

The speculation is that the NH Senate will vote to approve the civil unions bill as well, which must be signed by Gov. John Lynch, a Democrat who has publicly expressed opposition to gay marriage and has not indicated if he will sign it into law.

New Hampshire would become the 4th state in the U.S. to offer civil unions--unless of course Oregon can beat them to the punch.

Oregon's HB 2007 (civil union/domestic partnership type bill) is making it's way through the process right now. The first hearing for the Oregon Family Fairness Act will be help this Monday, April 9th. The House is expected to pass the bill and the Oregon Senate is expected to pass it as well.


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Oregon's SB 2 and HB 2007 Scheduled for Testimony in Oregon House

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Just a quick update. This morning we heard news that Senate Bill 2 (statewide anti-discrimination) and HB 2007 (would legally recognize same-sex relationships) will get hearings on Monday, April 9th at 5:30pm in the Oregon House Elections, Ethics and Rules Committee.

For a refresher: Senate Bill 2, which would ban discrimination based on sexual orientaion (straight & queer) passed the Oregon Senate Judiciary Committee by a 3-1 vote. It later moved to the Oregon Senate and passed 21-7. Now it is moving to the House, and House Bill 2007 that would grant a number of rights similar to that afforded to staright couples on the state level via marriage, will get its first hearing, then will move on to the Senate for a yay or nay vote.

More to come on Monday.


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Gay. Parents. In Portland? OMG.

Of course...

The Seattle Times recently did an expose on gay parents. The below story happens to be from here in good ol' Portland.

At 24, Hank Cattell has a black belt in tae kwan do and is studying public health at Portland State University. He grew up in West Seattle before moving at age 12 to Portland, where his mother, Mary Schutten, and her partner, Cathryn Cushing, merged families, an arrangement Cattell calls "alternative-lifestyle Brady Bunch."

THE STRESS had nothing to do with having two moms. It was living with two other children my age. I had been an only child. Maybe I was a little spoiled. We fought a lot over the usual stupid things: television, food, whatever. We went to family counseling, which was really helpful.

At school, people would say, "They're your sisters?" I would be like, "Yeah, well, they're my mom's lesbian lover's children." I enjoyed the shock value. Once they figure out I am serious, they're curious as to how I was born, if I'm a test-tube baby or something.

My mom was married to my dad. They got divorced (when I was 2), and my mom is a lesbian. Mom had a few different relationships with various women who I still really like. It's like I have lots of aunts. If there wasn't a stigma attached to it, it never would have been an issue for me at all.

I had a very normal childhood. My mom raised me (to believe) some people are gay, some are straight, it doesn't really matter. It took awhile to realize there are people who don't like homosexuals.

Middle school was extremely unpleasant. My mom decided to send me to a private Lutheran school. In seventh grade, one of my teachers would talk about homosexuality and how it's a sin. I was Methodist at the time; my mom and I would go to church every Sunday. I really believed, then. I couldn't imagine my mom going to hell. That really hurt me. It seemed utterly ridiculous that God would create someone in such a way and then punish them for being just who they are.

I started arguing with the teacher and the other students. I didn't actually tell them my mom was gay. The other kids would ask me if I was gay. I'd say I know people who are gay and they're really good people. I told my mom, and she took me out immediately. I went to Meany Middle School, which was very comfortable, very cool.

My dad is not very involved. I'd see him once or twice a year. I haven't seen him since I graduated from high school, but we talk on the phone. A lack of connection more than any kind of dislike. My mom had five brothers, so I have lots of uncles, and I had a "Big Brother" who I saw every week for years. It is good to have role models, but I don't think that has to mean a biological father or stepfather. I do notice a difference between myself and other guys. For one thing, I've always been more comfortable around women than other guys are. For a long time, I didn't have many guy friends. Whenever guys would joke about wanting to have sex with a woman or make crude remarks, that always made me uncomfortable. I think guys bond a lot with that kind of stuff. I never really liked sports. That doesn't have anything to do with my mom. My mom loves sports. Now, it's not difficult to have male friends because there's a much wider array of interests.

I was really excited when gay marriage temporarily became legal here. My mom and Cathryn were married by a judge in the courthouse downtown. For me, marriage is society acknowledging your union, and I think that's beautiful even if you're not religious. I don't understand people that have such animosity toward homosexuals. If they knew my mom and Cathryn, they could easily change their mind. If your parents are gay, it's a blessing because you'll have more freedom to explore your own sexuality. I never felt nervous about telling my mom who I was attracted to. She always said whoever you choose to be with, I'll support that - just as long as they're good enough for you!

I remember as a kid, being attracted to both boys and girls. For the most part, I wanted to be nothing but straight, just because it's easier. I accepted I was bisexual when I was 16. It was actually my first long-term relationship with a girl, and she never had any problem with it; she's bisexual, too. Since then, I've had some terrible experiences when I've told friends because they think I'm gay and I don't know it.

My mom is always ready and willing with lots of advice and support, though sometimes talking about issues of sex with my mom makes me uncomfortable. Not because she's weird about it - just because she's my mom!

Read the entire piece over @ The Seattle Times.

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Soulforce's Equality Ride Comes to George Fox University in Newburg

Monday, April 02, 2007

Soulforce's Equality Ride is making it's way to Oregon on April 5th!

From Soulforce:
soul force equality ride

We are working cooperatively with George Fox University to structure a mutually enriching day on campus. On-campus events - including meals shared with students and administrators, classroom presentations, a discussion with health care center staff members, and social time with campus organizations - are open exclusively to George Fox University students and faculty and to the Equality Riders.

Community members who wish to be involved with this stop are welcome to join us for off-campus events in the Portland area, including, but not limited to, a nonviolence seminar with Love Makes a Family and the Black Student Union at Portland Community College, Cascade Campus, on Friday, April 6th, from 1 - 4 p.m., and a hike and picnic lunch at Tryon Creek State Park on Saturday, April 7th, at 10 a.m.

What is Soulforce's Equality Ride?
Homophobia is globally pervasive, and no community or school escapes its reach. In 2006, during the inaugural Equality Ride, participants traveled to nineteen schools and engaged students, faculty, and administrators in conversation about the damaging effects of homophobic doctrine, the false notion that lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender identities are sick and sinful. This year, the journey continues with fifty young adults going to thirty-two Christian colleges and universities. Two buses are taking the group on two distinct routes around the country in creative pursuit of social justice. In doing so, they are empowered to change countless lives. Love liberates the oppressed, redeems the lost, and resurrects the spirit.

To learn more on the Equality Ride, see the West Coast or East Coast routes, click here.

Want to be involved in the Equality ride when it makes its way to Oregon? Get more info here.

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