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BREAKING: Oregon Domestic Partnership Bill Moves to Full Vote in House

This morning, the Oregon House Elections, Ethics and Rules Committee voted 5-2 in bipartisan support to recommend due pass on House Bill 2007.

For over six hours yesterday the committee heard testimony on this bill and Senate Bill 2, a bill that would ban discrimination in employment, housing and public accommodation. This morning's work session was supposed to be on both SB 2 and HB 2007, but the committee needed more time to go through the testimony on Senate Bill 2, as most of the testimony was geared at that one. It seems that the already broad religious exemption is the main argument from the extremely right-leaning Christian right who oppose it. There may be discussion on that this evening at 5pm.

The problem is that these people who oppose the religious exemption as written are not simply opposed to the religious exemption as we heard loud and clear during testimony last night. They are simply anti-gay.

More to come.

For more related to these two bills:
House Bill 2007
Senate Bill 2
Oregon's Civil Rights Fight

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By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/11/07, 11:30 PM

If this was heard loud and clear, then why do you still insist on stating that "they are simply anti-gay?"    

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10/23/07, 6:56 PM

The answer anonymous, is simple: If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, its very likely a duck. This particular brand of "Christian" has forgotten the basics of christianity. Love one another and judge others when youve taken care of that log in your own eye.    

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2/21/08, 12:05 PM

That's right!

It's unfair to call people who bash Christians "Christians"; as they're Christians in name-only. Our Father in Heaven knows a Christian when He sees one...he can see right through to the core of us all.

The bible gives me a long list of sins. It tells me - "Don't do this, or God will be angry with you." I take that book, and I say: Okay, I'm going to apply this to my own life.

People who are Christians in name-only (usually calling themselves True Christians) don't see the bible this way. They see it as a list of sins to look out for in other people. That's not what the bible is meant for. Jesus came to tell us about love and God. Forgiveness and acceptance. The highest commandment he gave us was to love our God. The second was to love one another.

Against such things there is no law: Love, patience, faithfulness, joy, kindness, gentleness, peace, goodness, self-control (Galatians 5:22-23).

Nowhere in the bible does it say that homosexuality is a sin. The bible does say that the effeminate will never see the kingdom of heaven...but if you look up the word effeminite in the dictionary it means this: Characterized by exsessive softeness and indulgence. You don't have to be gay to do that. Many heterosexuals are "effeminite" according to our own dictionary.

There is no law against love. These Name-Only Christians (who I call NO Christians)are merely looking for an excuse and permission to hate. The bible doesn't give permission for that in any of its pages. It says to hate sin, yes. Hate the sin WITHIN YOURSELF. It doesn't say to go looking for sin to hate in people around you.

Now play nicely or go to your room! :)    

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