National Day Of Silence: Today
Today, 500,000 students from about 4,000 schools across the U.S. will take part in this year's Day of Silence.
These half a million students will stop talking today to protest the bullying and harassment felt by lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender students. This day is called The Day of Silence.
The Day of Silence is organized by the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN), and is being supported by Gay-Straight Alliances (GSAs) and other co-curricular student clubs.
Why have the Day of Silence?
A GLSEN commissioned survey, From Teasing to Torment: School Climate in America conducted by Harris Interactive, found that sexual orientation and gender expression are among the top three reasons teens report that students are harassed at their schools. GLSEN's 2003 National School Climate Survey found that 4 out of 5 LGBT students report verbal, sexual or physical harassment at school and more than 30% report missing at least a day of school in the past month out of fear for their personal safety.
Here in Portland there are a large number of students taking part. Later today after school there will be a "Night of Noise" ceremony. It has been in Pioneer Courthouse Square perviously - though I cannot find where it will be this year, so I am going to assume it is in the same spot.