SIX Days Left to Register to Vote!
Fellow Oregonians, you only have six days left to register to vote or change/update your registration info.
As we all know the 2006 election cycle is a huge chance to take back the power and real opportunity to create lasting change. If we can get the right people elected, we will have the votes to pass legislation of equality. So if you have moved since you last voted, or if you need to change anything on your voter registration card--DO IT NOW!
The 2006 election cycle is going to be a fierce one and we need everyone to vote. Let's rid the Oregon House of its nastiness and pack it full of fair-minded officials who will actually push Oregon forward... not backwards.
It couldn't be easier to do. Here's how:
Step One: Click here to download the voter registration pdf (you can fill it out online)
Step Two: Put a stamp on it.
Step Three: MAIL IT!
Do not "DeLay". No procrastination. No excuses. Fill out this form, stamp and mail it before the end of this week.