Christian Right: Banning Anti-Gay Harassment is "Discrimination" Against Christians
Our friends over at The Big Gay Picture have an interesting story...
What exactly do conservative Christians want? According to the Los Angeles Times, they want the right to loudly and publicly condemn homosexuality, and criticize and harass GLBT people and organizations, even in public school settings. Anything less amounts to harassment and discrimination against them, the result of a world that is "anti-Christian" and intolerant of their version of Christianity.
In other words, next stop, the Twilight Zone.
The Times' article gives some fascinating examples of this "war" on Christianity: a middle school student was told not to wear a T-shirt that proclaimed: "Homosexuality is a sin! Islam is a lie! Abortion is murder!" In another case, the Georgia Tech Republicans were reprimanded for sending the campus gay group an insulting letter, calling them a "sex club," among many other things.
Read Brent's entire story at The Big Gay Picture - click here.
I am christan, but i fully support people who choose to be gay. i have friends who are gay to. I think it is horrible the amount of discrimination that people who choose to be gay go through. It is sad that some christians choose to take such a harsh veiw like in the article above. I support gay rights
Not to start anything, but you should ask your friends if they chose to be gay. I have a feeling they would say no.
As an openly gay Christian, i have exprience descrmation from both communities about the other. and as someone said above, you do not 'chose' to be gay, God made me that way. i know that He loves me, and thats all i care about.
there is WAY too much hate in this world.
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