Washington State Anti-Gay Pastor Calls for Boycott of Microsoft and others
Before I get into the details of this I just need to say one thing. It is nearly impossible to hurt Microsoft in any way, shape or form by having a boycott. If you buy a new PC - you are giving money to Microsoft. Are these anti-gay groups truly not going to purchase any new computers? It's a bunch of bullshit. I almost welcome their attempt at a boycott - because when they are bitterly unsuccessful in the end -- I can laugh at them.
So now the details.
Last week several companies, including Microsoft Corp., Boeing Co., Hewlett Packard Co. and Nike Inc., signed a letter urging passage of the measure, which would add "sexual orientation" to a state law that already bans discrimination in housing, employment, and insurance based on race, gender, age, disability, religion, marital status, and other factors. Microsoft's support comes a year after it was denounced for quietly dropping its support for the measure.
This is my favorite part...Reverend Ken Hutcherson, the pastor of Antioch Bible Church in the Seattle suburb of Redmond, which is also home to Microsoft, said he would officially make the call for the boycott Thursday on a national conservative talk radio show, Focus on the Family. "We're tired of sitting around thinking that morals can be ignored in our country," he said Monday. "This is not a threat, this is a promise. Check out the past presidential election. We made the moral issue the number 1 issue."
Ok Mr. Hutcherson... who is "we" during the past presidential election? You mean 'they" - right? They as in the people behind "W" getting reelected. Gays and lesbians were brought into the spotlight too distract you stupid wingnuts from the real problems in this country. You flock like sheep to that bullshit. Now, you are all on a crusade to destroy families across the nation. Get a fucking clue - you are NOT "pro-family" so please stop claiming you are.
From the Advocate.com:
When asked about Hutcherson's threat Monday, Microsoft spokesman Lou Gellos said, "Our position is well-known, as we said in our letter last week, and we stick by it." He declined to comment further. Boeing spokesman Peter Conte said the company had no plans to withdraw its support. "The position that we have taken is one that we do feel strongly about," he said. "It is entirely consistent with our own internal practices and policies." Other companies did not return phone calls on Monday, the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday.
Rep. Ed Murray, a Seattle Democrat who has sponsored the measure for more than a decade, said he wasn't concerned that Hutcherson's move would have any impact on the companies' bottom line. "The American people and citizens of Washington State aren't going to buy into his line of bigotry," he said.
Hutcherson said he has the support of several national organizations, including the Family Research Council, Southern Baptist Convention, and Focus on the Family. That's absolutely wonderful Mr. Hutcherson. The three most hateful groups in the United States. Hutcherson should maybe work with Lonnie Latham of the Southern Baptist Convention... although he may proposition you for a blowjob - oh right and he resigned from the executive committee of the SBC after soliciting sex from a male prostitute who was a male undercover cop.
Thank you Microsoft. Thank you Hewlett Packard. Thank you Boeing.
Post by Bryan Harding
The Southern Baptist Convention really needs to change. There are too many people at the top who are not representing the beliefs of the average Southern Baptist.
Because of them, they've given all of us Southern Baptists a bad name.
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