I've done it again. The third time in three months. I've been a bit restless the past couple of days though. My significant other flew back to Missouri to have heart surgery. Nothing too major - though still heart surgery, therefore it freaks me out - especially because I can't be there with him. He's with his parents though and they're taking great care of him, of course. He'll be back tomorrow night which seems a bit crazy considering he just had his surgery on Friday.
So back on topic. The blog has been redesigned.
*poof* it's a blog.
Posted by Bryan Harding
I like the new look.
Give your s/o a bug hug for me when he gets back and let him know I'm glad everything went well.
Best wishes on your man's operation.
The new look is very clean and appealing.
One suggestion, I feel like the banner has a little much whitespace. Maybe increasing the weight of the watermark on the right (which I can barely see) would do it.
I enjoy reading your blog and I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on the article in Sunday's NYT magazine "The Pressure to Cover" by Kenji Yoshino that talked about the pressure to "cover" mutable attributes to assiminate into society. There are interesting implications for how we frame civil rights work.
It's much better. Could do without the whole "gay" thing though. You know?
I like it better myself as well. One thing that your blog could go without is the whole Daniel is "Right" thing. Just a thought as you are misleading people with your title... unless of course you mean right wing (extremist).
Hugs and kisses!
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