The Rev. Lonnie Latham: Continuing to Set a Good Christian Example - Or Not.
As we reported last week, one of the four executive committee members of the Southern Baptist Convention was caught with his 'pants down'. Well, arrested for propositioning a MALE undercover cop for a blow job. Probably not the best idea if you ask me. Latham has officially been charged for the crime with a single misdemeanor count of offering to engage in an act of lewdness. He could go to jail for a year and have to pay a minor fine if found guilty.
This is wrong on so many levels and only getting worse. Why?
1.) Rev. Lonnie Latham is extremely anti-gay. Preaching hate and discrimination. A good example of this is when he encouraged the 42,000 SBC churches to "befriend gays and lesbians and try to convince them that they can become heterosexual "if they accept Jesus Christ as their savior and reject their 'sinful, destructive lifestyle."
2.) After being arrested Latham had an excuse. Granted it was shitty and a lie - he still had one. After getting out on bail he told the media, "I was set up. I was in the area pastoring to police."
Cough. Cough. Bullshit.
Latham has now put in his resignation as senior pastor of South Tulsa Baptist Church, stepped down from the board of directors of the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma and the executive committee of the Southern Baptist Convention. I guess when he told the media that the church would understand when they knew the truth - was less than the truth.
What kind of Christian example is he setting? He is a hypocrite. He is lying to the world. Be honest about what you've done Lonnie.
Uggh. People like this make me sick.
Bryan Harding
Classic case of the self-loathing, closet, sexually confused stereo-type.
Every time I see this happen it just makes me wonder all the more about the secret desires of the loudest opposition.
I'm not sure "pastoring" is a word, although I'd love to hear him define it.
I hate confused people like him. Poor bastard.
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