More than 1000 Gather in Olympia to Rally for Equal Rights

Well over 1,000 gay rights supporters joined together in a rally Monday on the Capitol steps in Olympia, demanding the passage of a gay civil rights bill. The bill, House Bill 2661, looks as though it has enough support this year after nearly 30 years of failure in the state Legislature. Last year it only lost by one vote.
Both Washington lawmakers and various religious leaders spoke in support of the measure that would add "sexual orientation" to a state law that bans discrimination in housing, employment and insurance. Sixteen states have passed similar laws.
Washington's HB 2661 has already passed the House by a bipartisan 60-37 vote and kept the legislation on track for expected passage in the Senate.
If this legislation passes - I believe that it will make it easier for Oregon to pass a similar bill next session (2007). Our neighbors to the north may set a great precedence by standing against outright discrimination.

Rep. Fred Jarrett, R-Mercer Island, attended the rally with his lesbian daughter Catherine and her partner. Jarrett was one of six Republicans in the House who voted to support the measure.
"I come from a party that got its start in the first great civil rights movement in this country over 150 years ago. I believe our party is still on the side of civil rights and I'm sorry that many of my colleagues do not share that," he said. "We need to be sure that we always do what Matthew 7:12 suggested, commanded us to do. To do unto others the way we would expect them to do unto us."