Fred Phelps: 'Thank God 12 Miners are Dead'
Yet another example of the abhorrent cultish filth that comes out of the 'Westboro Baptist Church' led by the 'Rev.' Fred Phelps. They are going to protest at the funerals of the miners who perished in West Virginia...
In a press release, his group stated the following:
Well that was sure uplifting.
The 'Westboro Baptist Church' is the same disillusioned group that created and - just to name two of the dozen or so sites. WBC is also the same group who has protested the funerals of American soldiers who gave their lives in Iraq, Matthew Shepard's funeral, rejoiced in the death of those in the World Trade Center attacks - blaming it on the wrath of God. They have no shame in their actions. When asked why they say "Thank God for September 11th"? He responded:
It's so incredible that these people are actually serious. For more background on the Phelps family click here.
Posted by Bryan Harding
In a press release, his group stated the following:
Judgment in West Virginia! Thank God for His Outpoured Wrath and for 12 Dead Miners.
WBC to picket their Memorial Service - at 2 p.m., Sunday, Jan. 15, at Wesley Chapel, West Virginia Wesleyan College, Camden Ave. & Meade St., Buckhannon, WV - in religious protest 8t warning: "God is not mocked!" God Hates Fags! & Fag-Enablers! Ergo, God hates the Sago Miners and is tormenting them in Hell, hypocritical Tallmansville village, and West Virginia.
Behold the heathen! Idolatrous caterwauling necromancers at a "candlelight vigil" (whatever the heck that is!) in a sodomite whorehouse masquerading as Sago Baptist Church!
They worship dunghill fag gods on "Brokeback Mountain," and their holy book is "The Da Vinci Code' - not the King James Bible. God mocked them with a lightning bolt, agonizing deaths, false reports of life leading to fools gold jubilation followed by hopeless despair. "meet you on the other side" eh? Yes, you all will meet again - in Hell!
Well that was sure uplifting.

"For several reasons. First, God ordained and decreed these acts. He determined in eternity to hurl those airplanes like fiery darts out of the sky. He used the evil followers of Osama bin Laden to punish even more evil people."
It's so incredible that these people are actually serious. For more background on the Phelps family click here.
Posted by Bryan Harding
Well this is how i see it...You're wrong...and God does not hate West Virginia...God loves us all...And You all should be ashamed of yourselves for saying things like this...Because in my opinion..YOUR going to be the ones going to hell for all these negative things your saying....And if you go to those miners funeral and say something foolish and stupid..GOD will punish you for it...AND YOU SHOULD NEVER !!! WISH DEATH ON ANYONE...
-a PROUD person from WEST VIRGINIA
I question if you even read the post. If you did - you would know that the hateful quotes said above are that of Rev. Fred Phelps of The Westboro Baptist Church. These views DO NOT represent this blog.
We as well think it is disgusting that these things are being said. We also think that it is even more disgusting that these so-called Christians would protest the funerals.
So please - before you 'condemn' us to hell - read the damn post.
Bryan H.
Judge not least ye be judged. Those who blanently misinterpret the word of God to judge the heart of man shall face the wrath and fury of God Almighty. The last self rightous church officials that I read about who arrogantly misinterpreted the Bible for their own personal goals was the pharisees who lead Christ to the cross, set a crimal free, and demanded Christ be nailed to the cross. With your comments about WV, coal miners, and their families, you have made the pharisees proud.
dont talk about coal miners until you meet one they are one of the hardest working men you will ever meet and i know god loves my husband and watches over him every night if any one is hell bound you better watch out
Two people have now left comments as if they hadn't even read the posting. We did not say the above things - PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU READ. The hateful things above are those of the hateful Rev. Fred Phelps.
This is a gay and lesbian focused blog - we report on gay rights and gay news - hence the title of this blog. The Rev. Fred Phelps blames the deaths of these miners on the the above statement from him. I don't want to be rude but you are commenting as if you didn't read this post. Again - when it says things like "He responded" or "in a press release" those are the words of the Westboro Baptist Church led by the disgusting man named Fred Phelps.
Reverend Phelps you are not a man of God, Read your Bible. The blind will lead the blind.Well you are the leader.Could you be the Anti Christ? You are going to split hell wide open I feel sorry for your followers.West Virginia will be praying for your soul before it is too late .God Bless You. God Loves every one. Repent Reverend Phelps before it is too late
Reverend Phelps. How can you call yourself a reverend? You look evil.All of your members are related to you. I think the drugs you took earlier in life has caused severe brain damage. Do you own a bible? If so i suggest you read it instead of just carrying it.Just ask for forgiveness and God will do the rest. Think of hell
Who are these people to speak for God? What happened to not judging others least you be judged? I think God likely hates intolerance and hatred!
who's this God guy everyone's talking about? and why would he be that angry anyway?
coloquen mi msn q es
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