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Karen Minnis - Queen of the House?

Fascist? She seems to think that she can delay SB1000, the bill granting civil unions to gay and lesbian couples, as well as a statewide anti-discrimination policy for Oregon. She wants to kill the bill. It's passed the Senate by a two-thirds margin (including support from many Senate republicans), the Governor has backed it and the people of Oregon support it. Why is she trying to stand in the way?

It doesn't matter whether or not you are gay or straight - you are bound to have a friend/family member/neighbor etc that is gay. If you have stayed out of the the civil union debate, this is the time to speak out. Take 30 seconds out of your day and call Speaker of the House Karen Minnis (Phone# 503-986-1200).

We need to make it absolutely clear that keeping this bill out of committee and not letting it have an up or down vote is just plain WRONG. She DOES NOT OWN her seat - the people have elected her to carry out our process of democracy - not to stifle the will of the people.

Even members of her own party in the House support SB1000. So what is she so afriad of? Take 30 seconds - call her office at (503)986-1200 and tell them this:

"You represent ALL of Oregon and the people want an UP or DOWN vote on SB1000"

Republican or democrat, gay or straight, man or woman - this does not matter. This is a fight for the people of Oregon. It is due time for equal protection under the law. The best example of that in Oregon’s constitution is Article I, Section 20...

“No law shall be passed granting to any citizen or class of citizens privileges, or immunities, which upon the same terms, shall not equally belong to all citizens.”

Here are some quotes from two of the bill sponsors. Both Republicans, both strong Christians.

Sen. Ben Westlund (R-Tumalo):
"...and today I am proud to stand in this room, on this floor, and play a small role in the continuing struggle to validate the dignity of all human beings... to recognize the legitimacy of all human relationships... regardless of race...color...creed... gender ...or sexual orientation. Colleagues I did not sponsor this legislation to support gays and lesbians, I sponsored this legislation because gays and lesbians are human beings."

Sen. Frank Morse (R-Albany):
"Recognizing the diversity of thought and strength of convictions on both sides of the issue of homosexuality, I offer my beliefs with conviction that Senate Bill 1000 is just and it is right.

For many, this is an issue of civil rights and properly interpreting Section 1, Article 20 of the Oregon Constitution. For most, however, it is a moral, religious issue. Often we look to the church as a moral compass for direction. What we find is tremendous diversity within the church.

For me, the answers to these questions arise from my own life experiences and convictions of what God has called me to be and do. It is, for me, these personal experiences and convictions that so clearly frame the issues before us."

These are some very strong words from very strong Christian leaders. Stand with them. Support equality. Call Karen Minnis right now. Tell her to "Let SB1000 get to the floor for an up or down vote!". Time is running out. Call her at (503)986-1200.

Can't call her? Click here to send her an email.

Post by Bryan Harding
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By Blogger Daniel, at 7/13/05, 10:24 PM

You're too funny Bryan.

"strong words from very strong Christian leaders"

As long as they agree with your position you will mention their religion in a positive light but as soon as a Christian doesn't agree with you it's "leave religion out of it."

And two RINO's does not qualify as "many Senate republicans" and what are you basing your assertion that "the people of Oregon support it?"

I am a person of Oregon and I don't support it.    

By Blogger Gavin S., at 7/14/05, 10:12 AM

From a humanistic stand point - they used their religion as a basis for voting the way they did. Actually good Christian people. You and them obviously believe different things, though may be the same religion. Whereas you may hate gays and anyone not white, they feel that treating the citizens of Oregon equally is the right thing to do... Do unto others?

And yes there was more than just the two Republicans sponsors that supported our bill. They simply could not vote in favor for political reasons. Believe me when I say this.

As I have stated in the past - the majority of Oregonians do favor civil unions. If brought to a vote by your side, you would lose.

Riley Research, the notoriously conservative pollsters, conducted a poll that in fact showed this. There have also been numbers showing that about 2/3 of Oregonians favor civil unions and around 80% favored the anti-discrimination. So this is what I mean when I say this. I have met many people who favor and would support civil unions, even though they voted Yes on 36.

You are a person of Oregon - you don't support it. That's great for you.    

By Blogger Adam, at 7/14/05, 10:52 AM

I believe that it is fair to point out that these Senators are strong Christian leaders when the Religious right has made a huge point telling the world that they represent Christian values. I believe Bryan's point, although not explicitly stated, is that the Christian Right does not in fact represent the opinions of all Christians everywhere.

I will also add, that unless the Christian Conservatives are careful they run the risk of alienating the great American middle. Situations like the Terri Schiavo tragedy demonstrate this point.

Civil Unions and gay marriage (whether they happen now or in a generation) will happen. Other nations have started to make this change, the Church of Christ has made this change, and some of our States have made this change.

Homosexual unions have not destroyed marriage or the values of religious marriage. Heterosexuals have seen to that on their own. Stephanie Coontz published an interesting Op-Ed piece in the New York Times on July 5th called the Heterosexual Revolution. It's worth a read.


By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7/14/05, 5:16 PM

Hey Daniel, we know you dont support the bill, probably because of The Bible right? Well why dont you take your bible, and yourself, and move into a little box where you can be protected forever and ever. Heaven forbid you would support equal rights for ALL people in Oregon. Of course you wouldn't..that might be something that CHRIST would do.    

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