SB 1000 on Friday's Schedule for a Full Senate Vote
Senate President Peter Courtney's office is reporting that SB1000 is now on the schedule for a Friday vote. At this point I will believe it when I see it. It seems that there has been delay after delay. All I know is that if our Senate leadership can pull their shit together, it will be a very good happy our on Friday.
**UPDATE** Senate Majority Leader Kate Brown's office has also given indication that the vote will happen on Friday. On the last pink slip of the day SB 1000 was listed.
Stay tuned. I will update as soon as I learn more.
Post by Bryan Harding
**UPDATE** Senate Majority Leader Kate Brown's office has also given indication that the vote will happen on Friday. On the last pink slip of the day SB 1000 was listed.
Stay tuned. I will update as soon as I learn more.
Post by Bryan Harding
My senator is Kate Brown, so I called her office before I read this news to express how I had lost confidence, that I didn't believe there was a good-faith effort to get the bill passed in time for a house vote, etc. I was told that no games were being played and that too much effort had been put into the bill to sabotage it. I was also told that it could be worse: SB1011 had been pulled from the floor three times.
They also said that no date for a floor vote had ever been promised, and that when statements are made about votes coming on certain dates, that's done more to put pressure on the leadership (rather than, I suppose, to fully inform us of what's going on). Hmm.
See my latest posting. I went to meet with Kate today.
- Bryan H.
And "Anonymous", no vote had been 'promised'. Nothing ever is a sure thing in politics. I have called daily to many different offices of the Senate asking questions on when when when. A different answer each time.
What does SB1011 have to do with this? SB1000 has been about a day from the floor many times itself. This coming from Senate leadership.
If you truly believe in SB1000 - you should be outraged. Are you going to be there wth us making the phone calls, doing phone banks etc to win over the House or are you just going to be passive? This bill should have been passed the first time it was SB1000 - then Sen. Brown switched it up to be SB 1073 and then back to SB1000. The session is coming to a close. So seriously - if you care be outraged. We need to get over this hurdle (which should never have been a hurdle since we've had the votes all along in the democratic controlled Senate).
It's not uncommon for legislators, especially when they are under pressure, to tell their constituents what they want to hear. To reassure, rather than to admit that SB1000 languished for months before Senator Brown decided to put her leadership behind it. Sponsoring the bill is not enough; as the Senate Majority Leader her job is to put her considerable energy and resources into making a bill a law. Today when she met with a group of us BRO supporters she drew a pyramid shape on a flip chart to demonstrate that the power in the House of Representatives lies at the very top, and that when SB1000 gets to the House that's where our energies should be focused in communicating. Fine. What that same pyramid points out is that the power in the Senate also lies at the top, and that's with Senator Brown and Senator Courtney. I ask both these Senators to lead, and to lead powerfully.
Saying that things could be worse for because other bills are in worse shape does not reassure me; I won't settle for crumbs because someone wants me to fear that I might end up with nothing. I expect loaves from my friends, and crumbs from my opponents, not the other way around.
And there is fight left. The bill is scheduled for a vote for Friday, according to information from Senator Courtney's office just a few minutes ago. There are a few dozen bills scheuled for a vote that day, and it's entirely within his power to schedule the vote on SB1000 for first thing in the morning, to avoid further delay.
Just came across this Website and I couldn't be more pleased. Thanks for spreading the word about SB1000...
Thanks redmonkey. Trying my best! :)
-Bryan Harding
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