Oregon Civil Unions & Anti-Discrimination to get Senate vote
Seems like this has been the consensus for a while now. We've been delayed on progress, now it looks as though we are all set to move ahead and it will receive a vote on Thursday, as opposed to Wednesday as we previously thought. The bill was amended slightly last week which caused it to go back for a fiscal review even though nothing would be changing on that front. Just standard protocol... or did the Senate leadership fuck up?
The bill will create a civil unions registry and grant same-sex couples many of the rights available to married couples including inheritance benefits, pensions, property rights when a partner dies, and the right to make medical decisions for a partner. It's just common sense.
The bill also adds sexual orientation to a law that forbids discrimination in employment, housing and public accommodations based on race, color, religion and several other factors.
It has the backing of Gov. Ted Kulongoski and is expected to pass the Democratically controlled Senate with little difficulty.
"The Oregon Senate will be making a very important statement about prohibiting discrimination in this state and providing all of Oregon's families with stability and security," said Senate Majority Leader Kate Brown (D-Portland).
Even though the bill was amended last week (hence last week's delay) to carefully differentiate between civil unions and marriage opponents say it amounts to the same thing.
"Our argument is that they are amending every marriage statute," said Tim Nashif, political director for the Oregon Family Council.
Tim Nashif is also quoted as saying the following (lying - a good Christian value?):
"Same-sex couples should seek marriage-like rights through another avenue, such as civil unions."
Tim Nashif, Oregon Family Council Director and an organizer of the Measure 36 campaign Bend Bulletin 8/20/2004
“Oregon's measure [36] was written specifically not to address civil unions."
Tim Nashif, Oregon Family Council Director and an organizer of the Measure 36 campaign Bend Bulletin. 11/6/2004
Supporters of SB1000 will be gathering in Salem. Click here for our previous post regarding times and details. It's in the morning and won't take much time.
Post by Bryan Harding
On Sunday I sat through church as several mentions were made in regards to gay rights and same sex marriage. I became quite angry as I heard over and over that it was a community that was all about "me, me, me" and "my rights" and not thinking about others. And that they couldn't have children (unless they "stole someone else's kids.").
I was about ready to scream. My husband sitting next to me knew that I was getting angry as well-- he's said he is surprised that I haven't started yelling at people yet.
Apparently they think that once you come out of the closet that your uterus/sperm stays in the closet. And of course you couldn't possibly get a surrogate, adopt a child, etc. Besides, last time I checked there wasn't any questions on a marriage license regarding whether or not you were going to have kids. There wasn't anything in my vows (and I had a religious ceremony) regarding the fact that in order to deserve the rights that came with marriage that I needed to have kids.
And what about the "me, me, me" and "my rights" when it comes to Christian heterosexuals? I hear that more from that group than anyone. It's all about protecting their rights-- screw the rights of others.
Does anyone know of an good organization for Christian heterosexuals who are in support of equal rights for homosexuals?
We need more people like you in this world! There are plenty of organizations who are welcoming no matter what or who you are. Are you specifically looking for a church or an organization to become involved in that actively works for equal rights? Also - what city are you in so I can find one that is close to you.
Bryan H.
Check out the group Christian Alliance...
United Church of Christ
Unitarian Universalists
United Church of Christ is the most well known.
Metropolitan Community Church was also recommended to me.
Seems like plenty of people have already helped out though. Love it. Thanks everyone.
-Bryan H.
The Community of Welcoming Congregations:
is a great resource for finding places of worship in a variety of denominations that are open and affirming to all persons. Besides the many Christian Denominations it also includes Jewish, Pagan and Quaker.
I think it is a great way to not only find a Church that shares your beliefs and values but also find a church that practices your preferred style and type of worship.
I know of the other churches out there that aren't like that. However, I like the Southern Baptist style of churches, there are just a few things I disagree with them on (such as gay rights and abortion).
What I'm looking for is an organization for Christian heteros who are for equal rights for all. Something that people from a variety of Christian beliefs can be a part of. A group that can be very vocal and counter the churches.
There are a lot of us out here who are fairly happy with our denomination, but would like to take an opposite view on issues such as this.
I'm in Gresham, OR (Multnomah County).
You might try checking out this magazine -- Sojourners. I don't know much about it other than it is for progressive Christians of all denominations. They have some interesting articles, links to other groups, etc.
The Christian Alliance (that I posted about above) is not achurch..but an Christian organization that is becoming a strong voice for the 'christian left.' Check them out!
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