A letter from a friend of mine....
This really stuck me. What an incredible idea and just imagine the possibilities. Feel free to repost this on your own blog to help spread the word!
Ok it's me again - if you got married last year and this is something that you believe in - please think about doing this. I didn't get married personally, but I am going to send them $60 as a symbol for all of my friends who did get married. This is truly a time to unite - to make a difference. Seriously - imagine if everyone did this who got married. That would be over 180,000! Imagine the lobby work that could be done! You can donate to Basic Rights Oregon online and it's super easy. Click here to make an online donation. Multnomah County is automatically sending them to all 3,022 couples. When you filed your paperwork they captured names and addressses and will be issuing checks.
Hello Friends, Samantha here. As you may of heard, yesterdays Oregon Supreme Court Action has determined that I am no longer married. After a long emotional journey yesterday Kristin brought up the fact that we paid $60 for our marriage lisence and that she wanted it back. Well I have just learned that the county is issuing $60 checks to all 3,022 couples that were married last year. That's $181,320.
Personally that $60 is no longer in my cash flow so my immediate response was... give it to Basic Rights Oregon. With that $60 they can do a heck of a lot more through lawyers and lobbyists than I could do. In fact, I'd probably go spend the $60 drowning my sorrows in martinis, and that's not very productive in the fight for equality.
So I ask you to join me. If you were married, donate your $60 lisencing refund to Basic Rights Oregon. If you know someone who was married please forward this to them and encourage them to do the same. If we can get all 3,022 couples to do the same we would be making huge strides together.
Ok it's me again - if you got married last year and this is something that you believe in - please think about doing this. I didn't get married personally, but I am going to send them $60 as a symbol for all of my friends who did get married. This is truly a time to unite - to make a difference. Seriously - imagine if everyone did this who got married. That would be over 180,000! Imagine the lobby work that could be done! You can donate to Basic Rights Oregon online and it's super easy. Click here to make an online donation. Multnomah County is automatically sending them to all 3,022 couples. When you filed your paperwork they captured names and addressses and will be issuing checks.
BHB- thank you for posting this. We can make such a difference if we all stand in solidarity together. I'm not only donating my $60 lisence refund but have solicited others to do the same in solidarity. Sometimes continuing the fight is the best thing we can do.
good idea! I'll link up to this posted suggestion at the end of the piece I did on the story yesterday.
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