GOVERNOR KULONGOSKI: Ensure Equal Protection and Opportunities to ALL Citizens
Theodore R. Kulongoski, Governor
April 13, 2005
Governor and State Senators strengthen anti-discrimination law and provide and protect legal rights of same-sex relationships
(Salem, OR) – Today Governor Ted Kulongoski announced that he and a bipartisan group of State Senators introduced legislation that would outlaw discrimination based on sexual orientation and provide legal protections and recognition of committed, same-sex relationships through a civil union.
"As I stated in January, we face a great moral challenge to make sure opportunity is an open door through which every citizen can pass – not a revolving door which turns for some and doesn't budge for others," Governor Kulongoski said. "Those doors are only open for all Oregonians when social justice, tolerance and diversity are protected for every individual – in both their professional and personal life. This measure represents a united effort to help us reach this goal as we continue to grow our economy and move our state forward as truly one Oregon."
Senate Bill 1000 would:
Amend Oregon's existing non-discrimination laws to prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation in housing, employment, public accommodation, education and public services statewide; and
Amend ORS chapter 106 to create civil unions, defined as a civil contract entered into by two members of the same sex who are at least 17 years of age and are not first cousins or nearer of kin, and are not parties to a marriage or another civil union. While a civil union is not a marriage, it would impose the legal protections, rights and responsibilities generally afforded to opposite sex couples through marriage.
The bill is co-sponsored by Senate Majority Leader Kate Brown (D-Portland) and Senators Frank Morse (R-Albany), Ben Westlund (R-Tumalo) and Alan Bates (D-Ashland).
"This bill is a bipartisan effort to act on our collective conscience as a state and send a message that Oregon intends to keep its promise of fairness and equality to all Oregonians and their families," said Senate Majority Leader Kate Brown. "When any group of Oregonians is treated unequally under the law, it affects each of us in the Oregon community."
"Forming a family is a fundamental right. Oregon should provide a framework that offers legal protections to any loving, committed couple that wants to become a family," said Senator Ben Westlund. "As a state, we cannot allow some of our citizens to be deprived of rights guaranteed to others. I'm not supporting this legislation to give special rights to gays and lesbians; I'm supporting it because gays and lesbians are human beings."
"We should be encouraging loving, lasting and committed partnerships and the healthy families they create," said Senator Alan Bates. "I believe that all Oregonians should be treated equally under our laws. To deny gays and lesbians some form of civil union is to deny them basic rights that are provided to everyone else – to take care of a sick partner, to obtain joint health insurance, to transfer property, and many more. These are rights that should be afforded all families in Oregon."
April 13, 2005
Governor and State Senators strengthen anti-discrimination law and provide and protect legal rights of same-sex relationships
(Salem, OR) – Today Governor Ted Kulongoski announced that he and a bipartisan group of State Senators introduced legislation that would outlaw discrimination based on sexual orientation and provide legal protections and recognition of committed, same-sex relationships through a civil union.
"As I stated in January, we face a great moral challenge to make sure opportunity is an open door through which every citizen can pass – not a revolving door which turns for some and doesn't budge for others," Governor Kulongoski said. "Those doors are only open for all Oregonians when social justice, tolerance and diversity are protected for every individual – in both their professional and personal life. This measure represents a united effort to help us reach this goal as we continue to grow our economy and move our state forward as truly one Oregon."
Senate Bill 1000 would:
Amend Oregon's existing non-discrimination laws to prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation in housing, employment, public accommodation, education and public services statewide; and
Amend ORS chapter 106 to create civil unions, defined as a civil contract entered into by two members of the same sex who are at least 17 years of age and are not first cousins or nearer of kin, and are not parties to a marriage or another civil union. While a civil union is not a marriage, it would impose the legal protections, rights and responsibilities generally afforded to opposite sex couples through marriage.
The bill is co-sponsored by Senate Majority Leader Kate Brown (D-Portland) and Senators Frank Morse (R-Albany), Ben Westlund (R-Tumalo) and Alan Bates (D-Ashland).
"This bill is a bipartisan effort to act on our collective conscience as a state and send a message that Oregon intends to keep its promise of fairness and equality to all Oregonians and their families," said Senate Majority Leader Kate Brown. "When any group of Oregonians is treated unequally under the law, it affects each of us in the Oregon community."
"Forming a family is a fundamental right. Oregon should provide a framework that offers legal protections to any loving, committed couple that wants to become a family," said Senator Ben Westlund. "As a state, we cannot allow some of our citizens to be deprived of rights guaranteed to others. I'm not supporting this legislation to give special rights to gays and lesbians; I'm supporting it because gays and lesbians are human beings."
"We should be encouraging loving, lasting and committed partnerships and the healthy families they create," said Senator Alan Bates. "I believe that all Oregonians should be treated equally under our laws. To deny gays and lesbians some form of civil union is to deny them basic rights that are provided to everyone else – to take care of a sick partner, to obtain joint health insurance, to transfer property, and many more. These are rights that should be afforded all families in Oregon."
Any word or rumors yet on where the house votes are going to fall?
Not at this point. Are you for or against it?
For whatever its worth, I am for it. Given the current state of affairs, this is a real opportunity in the midst of defeat.
Getting each Senator and Rep. on record on where they currently lean is necessary to then know where the lobbying needs to fall.
sheesh...what a morning...
We all need to be be for it. People will argue that it is taking a hit because it is not full equality. We all needs to realize that this takes time and that we need to take it step by step.
I will do research into who is planning on supporting it. We all need to make phone calls though to our reps. Make sure they know we support this legislation. It is a MUST. Basic Rights Oregon will also be keeping people up to date.
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