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And you thought the tsunami was a disaster...

Just think if a tsunami like the one that occurred back in December, 2004 happened once every 18 days. Imagine if 217,000 people died a death more painful and agonizing than that of the victims of the tsunami. What would we do about it? Would the money pour in as much as it did during/after the tsunami disaster?

I came across this startling fact today. We all knew it was bad... but this is truly disheartening.

“The number of people killed in the tsunami is the same as the number of people in the world who die of AIDS every 18 days.”
-NBC News Chief Health and Science Correspondent Robert Bazell in a Jan. 5 e-mail to veteran gay activist Larry Kramer.

Additional Facts (Source: avert.org)
  • Total number of AIDS deaths between 1981 and the end of 2003: 20 million.
  • Number of children orphaned by AIDS living in Sub-Saharan Africa at the end of 2003: 12 million.
  • By December 2004 women accounted for 47% of all people living with HIV worldwide, and for 57% in sub-Saharan Africa.
  • In 2003, young people (15-24 years old) accounted for half of all new HIV infections worldwide, more than 6,000 became infected with HIV every day.
  • An estimated five million people in low and middle income countries do not have the AIDS drugs which could save their lives.

To learn more about organizations fighting this Worldwide epidemic visit these links below:

Global AIDS Alliance
African Action

For a large list of reputable national and worldwide organizations please visit click here.

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