Ellen Degeneres and Portia de Rossi to Get Married
On today's Ellen (taped yesterday) she talks about the CA Supreme Court decision and swiftly announces that she is going to marry her long-time partner Portia de Rossi.
via TMZ:
A spy in the audience of this afternoon's taping of the "Ellen DeGeneres Show" tells us that after Ellen mentioned today's California Supreme Court ruling striking down the state's ban on gay marriage, she surprised everyone and announced that she was going to tie the knot with longtime girlfriend, actress Portia de Rossi.
Portia was in the crowd and after she made the announcement, the studio audience went wild, giving the two a huge standing O.

Labels: california, ellen degeneres, marriage
yea, we heard that they were going to adopt another homeless dog from MAPPAR the Animal Sanctuary for a wedding present. From www.mappar.org
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