Yes We Can. Yes We Will.
As Oregonians are voting right this very second - and each day following until May 20th (we all vote by mail), I feel this wave of change and damn it feels good. With a solid victory in North Carolina and what I consider a victory in Indiana - Obama-rama is taking hold.
On a side note, Oregonians should know that Obama will be in here Oregon May 9th and 10th. That is this Friday and Saturday! More details to come on location, etc.
I leave you with this.

Labels: 2008 elections, 2008 Presidential Election, barack obama
I promised myself I was *not* going to watch the news last night, but as I was channel-surfing, looking for something mindlessly diverting, I passed MSNBC and learned that Obama had trounced Clinton in North Carolina and was within reach of winning Indiana. So, naturally I stayed up and watched the news until they finally called it for Clinton. Still, I was elated. The fact that she is soldiering on just confirms for me that she is as disengaged with reality and as hubristic as the current president. Why is there any reason to believe she'd run a White House better than her campaign? It's over.
I wish I could go to an Obama event this weekend, but I will be out of town. Of course, he is certain to be back here on May 20 when Oregon puts him over the top in delegates and "officially" clinches the nomination for him, even though mathematically speaking Hillary has no path left.
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