Some great stories surrounding the race for president.
Young evangelical voters ditching the GOP and voting for Obama? [Seattle Times]
Saturday Night Live gives Clinton a not so subtle hint [video here]
GOP Convention organizer, Doug Goodyear, resigns after his PR firm accepted $350,000 to represent the Burmese junta in 2002. [source]
Regional campaign manager for McCain, Doug Davenport, also steps down due to ties to the DCI Group. Doug had run DCI's lobbying practice before signing on with McCain last month to run Maryland, Virginia, Delaware, Kentucky and West Virginia for McCain. [source]
Obama came to Oregon again. This time he was in Corvallis, Eugene, Portland and Bend. He visited both Oregon State and U of O. Pictures here.
In "You've got to be fucking kidding me" news:
Disgraced Republican U.S. Rep Vito Fossella may be seeking re-election despite his recent drunk-driving arrest last week led to talk of an extramarital affair, and then finally Thursday, an admission of a child from that affair. This is the same self-proclaimed "family values" man who voted multiple times for the so-called "Defense of Marriage" amendment. Way to protect marriage Vito![via NY1]Labels: another disgraced Republican, barack obama, mccain, scandal
This entry was posted
on Sunday, May 11, 2008 at 12:10 PM.
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