LIVE BLOGGING From Federal Court - FRIDAY 10am
We'll be blogging live from the first oral arguments this Friday starting at 10am. The case, Lemons v. Bill Bradbury (Oregon Secretary of State) and a bunch of other random people that the sue happy "Alliance Defense Fund" and "Restore America" are challenging after their inability to get their anti-gay referendum on the ballot. They are seeking an injunction/restraining order to stop Domestic Partnerships from going into law on January 1st. They've had since October to file this suit and they waited until now.
Basic Rights Oregon has submitted a friend of the court brief and have retained the counsel of Margaret Olney - not to mention the fact that they have an amazing legal team from the best firms across the state who work pro bono. All great people.
In any case, we'll be there. Hopefully they will have wireless and allow laptops - otherwise we'll be blogging via iPhones!
Labels: domestic partnership, federal court, lawsuit, live blogging, oregon
The best Christmas present ever will be when the court tosses out this whole deal....and ALLOWS EQUALITY TO CONTINUE....right on into the future. For everyone!
Ok Jan 3rd we are getting our Domestic Partnership! Freedom seems so slippery!
That is a tactic to remember when these bigots buffalo our good citizens into some anti-civil-rights measure.
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