Oooh. Lon Mabon is Back?

From BRO's Blog:
First the short of it. Lon Mabon is back and swinging. He has filed an initiative nearly the same as 2000's Measure 9. This time he takes it a step further by including transgender people--an inclusion that likely means they will lead the campaign with a brutal and nasty anti-trans message.
Now the additional details.
Freshly out of jail, Lon Mabon, is bringing his dirty politics to Oregon's forefront again. 2000's Measure 9 is back. Initiating yet another anti-GLBT constitutional amendment, Mabon is seeking to fight the "gay agenda" with his own shady overtly extremist agenda: a constitutional amendment stating, "the behaviors of homosexuality and bisexuality pose a serious health risk to Oregon's students "therefore "it is hereby established that sexual orientation shall not be taught in Oregon public schools in any manner or whatsoever that would express approval of, endorse or otherwise make morally acceptable the behaviors of homosexuality, bisexuality or transgendered conduct." And note, that this measure is not specific to elementary or secondary education, but also would affect higher education in Oregon.
Check it out over at the Basic Rights Oregon blog.
Lon Mabon needs a new sexual term named after him just like Rick Santorum.
Lon Mabon is a true American Hero defending our culture from the debased creep of all putrid and demented sexualities that "you people" promote and engage-in without conscience. He never said you can't be "queer." But, by God, we will not accept that queer is normal; and we won't celebrate your perversity.
Thank God he's brave enough to speak-up for the innocent unborn children who have their brains brutally sucked-out-of their heads; or, who are otherwise killed by barbaric physical means, or who suffer internal poisoning by "birth-control".
Have you no conscience at all?
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