John Kerry responds to Mary Cheney
In response to an article Wednesday in which Vice President Dick Cheney's lesbian daughter is quoted as calling Sen. John Kerry (D-MA) a "son of a bitch" for mentioning her sexuality in the presidential debates, Kerry's office fired off a retort to RAW STORY.
Kerry spokesman David Wade said Mary Cheney had "flacked for the most anti-gay administration in history."
"Seems like a suspicious lecture from a political operative who flacked for the most anti-gay administration in history and allowed Karl Rove to divide America for political gain," Wade said. "She'd be more credible if she pushed dad's administration to support hate crimes legislation and equal rights for gay Americans."
For the original story from yesterday about Cheney's comments, click here.
Whoa... that has to be a joke. Did you like create a blog character that is the total typical closed minded, creepy, ravenous zealot like the Colbert Report?
Anybody catch Mary on Larry King? Made my skin crawl.
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