California Field Poll Gives Insight into Public's Opinion of Gays
Californians are more and more accepting of gays, according to a new telephone field poll that was conducted recently. One of the reasons for the growing acceptance is the fact that 64% of Californians report knowing someone who is gay. The report also breaks down what groups are typically more tolerant...
Along with those acquainted with a gay person, the poll indicated that other groups most likely to have positive views of homosexuality included Democrats, liberals, Bay Area residents, college graduates and members of non-Christian religions.
On the contrary, those who don't personally know gay people, along with conservatives, born-again Christians and poll respondents with only high school degrees, viewed homosexuality unfavorably or coolly.
The Field Poll, conducted by telephone, surveyed 1,000 adults across the state, including 680 registered voters. The survey was conducted in February in English and Spanish.
The poll shows an evolving attitude, DiCamillo said, that seems to indicate greater acceptance. In a 1997 survey, 45 percent of adults described homosexual relations as wrong, and 38 percent said it was not wrong at all.
In the current survey, 43 percent said they did not see gay relationships as wrong, while 32 percent said they were always wrong.
Even though these numbers are good, there is still a huge portion of the population that hasn't budged - even in California, one of the most liberal states in the country.
Posted by Ace
I agree. I totally can see how gays are begainning to be accetped in the S. Cal. area. I would have never came out a year ago but for some reason gays are flying out of the closet everywhere and people are o.k. with it!
It's quite encouraging, isn't it? The more gay/lesbian people to come out of the closet, the more accepting the society is, which will bring more gay/lesbian out of the closet. We just build up a positive feedback loop!
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