Soldier: "I beat that mother-fucking faggot up"
A very disturbing story from Georgia. Five soldiers, all members of the 3rd Infantry Division at Fort Stewart have been charged with aggravated battery for beating the shit out of a man because he is gay (outside of a gay bar). It's always fair to have FIVE guys kicking the crap out of ONE.
Five soldiers have been charged in the severe beating of a gay man outside a Savannah gay club.
People looked on helpless Sunday as the soldiers beat David Bennett, 37 on the street in front of Blaine's Back Door Bar. The attackers left leaving Bennett barely conscious and lying in a pool of blood.
Bennett suffered cuts and abrasions in the beating. He was released from hospital on Monday.
Based on witnesses descriptions police picked up five soldiers a short while after the beating and returned them to the scene for the witnesses to identify.
The soldiers, all members of the 3rd Infantry Division at Fort Stewart, have been charged with aggravated battery.
According to the police incident report, one of the men, Sidney Swift, boasted: "Yes, I beat that mother-fucking faggot up."
The report said that other soldiers at the scene told Swift to be quiet because they were "one team, and it was one fight."
The beating came as the Georgia legislature prepared to take up a bill that would stiffen sentences for defendants found to have selected their victims based on "race, religion, gender, national origin or sexual orientation."
The new bill was approved Tuesday on an 8-3 vote by the Senate's judiciary committee.
This is a horrid crime and I think the level headed among us would agree. The fact that it does come at this moment in time can only help to further push the new hate crime legislation in Georgia.
For more take a look at Pam's House Blend: Video of the gay-bashing soldiers of the Third Infantry Division
Yeah, it takes a real man to go after an unarmed, untrained guy with four friends who are all trained in the fine art of killing people and breaking things.
Do we ever see any of this in PDX? In San Diego I went to one funeral of a man that was killed when he gave a dollar to a stranger that asked him for spare change in a park at night. The stranger freaked when he heard his voice and decided that he "sounds gay" and realized that he was there with his partner- not just a buddy. He beat him to death in front of his partner's eyes. His partner escaped.
Another night me and Rebecca saw one of our friends at the Flame, and asked what happened to her face. OMG- it was horrible. Several males in the same park attacked her.
Another night Rebecca and I were on our way inside one of San Diego's other bars. Some young guys were in a pick-up truck squealing their wheels around the corners, throwing beer bottles at the bar and guests (and smokers outside) yelling FREAK at us...
Then Rebecca and I also lived for a couple years in Oceanside. We had to be pretty careful coming home in drag right next to the Marine base.
So far in Portland I've felt safe pretty much everywhere. Really nice, except for when the bible thumping weirdo's show up at Pride- but I still feel safe because they're all pussies and the cops are right there anyway.
I hate to hear about this shit though.
Just think soldiers like these are over in Iraq beating, and killing innocent and unarmed people in our name. And they can pretty much get away with it under the cloak of war. And our government and others wonder why the Iraqis themselves, are now wanting us out. These guys hopefully with get many years in prison. And get to spend some quality time with Bubba while there.
I certainly condemn the acts of these five soldiers, and any rational person certainly would too. But to make a blanket statement that "soldiers like these are over in Iraw beating, and killing innocent and unarmed people in our name" is done so out of pure ignorance. Don't make yourself sound intolerant and prejudicial.
Bad people who treat other people like that should get put in JAIL not just get a fine!
BAD judges!
You people people disgust me. Homosexuality is revolting and sickening. It is a mental disorder and it is perverting America.
And don't you dare say that our soldiers are the enemy. Our soldiers are the best men and women in America. They are the ones who are fighting and dying for America. The only reason you have the right to protest against them is because better people than yourself died to give you that right.
To the previous comment...
So if these 5 people are the best people in America then should we all follow their amazing example of kicking the shit out of people simply because they are different than ourselves?
Your viewpoint is skewed and lacks all common sense. What is disgusting is your ignorance and hate. It is actually people like you that are "perverting America".
I think you're all missing something very big here:
"People looked on helpless Sunday as the soldiers beat David..."
There's an entire bar there, enough people to fight off five men. So why didn't anyone help him? I sympathize with the soldiers for having the stones to enforce what they believe in. In my opinion, if homosexuals don't want to watch their fellow homosexuals get beaten, they better stop being pussies and do something about it.
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