They Continued to Throw Bricks Until She Was Dead
Zoliswa Nkonyana, a 19-year-old girl was walking down the street with her friend, an unnamed 17-year-old girl. A woman approached them and began taunting them, saying they "wanted to get raped". The two girls blew it off and asked that this woman leave them alone and said that they were lesbians. The woman left. Not too long after she returned with a group of 20 people. The mob began attacking the two teens. The 17-year-old managed to run away to safety. The other, 19-year-old Zoliswa Nkonyana wasn't so lucky. While she did try to run, the mob threw bricks at her--and continued to do so even while she lay bleeding to death on the street.
They continued to throw bricks until she was dead. What the hell is wrong with people. It is absolutely horrifying. This murder took place in Cape Town, South Africa, two weeks ago.
Six teens have been charged with the crime. Their ages range from 17-19. The brutality of beyond me. It's hard to even comprehend that humans could treat one another in this manner.
It's extremely troubling to think that the religious extremists play a big part in this. In all my years, I've never been taught to hate in the name of God--yet this is what these groups are teaching. Hate spews from their hypocritical mouths every time they speak. How can anyone claim Christianity while preaching and practicing such disgusting "morals" that couldn't be further from the teaching of Christ?
Christians need to speak out against such hate. How about putting the Christ back in CHRISTian? How about trying to be more Christ-like? What happened to loving thy neighbor?
Very troubling.
Posted by Bryan Harding
With due respect, you can have no grasp of the concept of this country (South Africa) until you have lived here. The previous oppressive regime (apartheid) has left mental scars and serious flaws in almost every aspect of life.
While I'm certainly not condoning - nor even defending - this crime, you are trying to attribute Western values on a culture which is far from your own.
I live in Cape Town and frequently work in Khayelitsha where this incident took place. The desperation of the place is draining. There are no houses, only shacks; no roads, no sanitation, no water, no electricity. Over a million people live there.
The reason that homophobia exists in Khayelisha is probably partly to do with the high HIV rate and the associated illness and mortality. Rightly or wrongly, homosexuals are blamed as spreaders of the syndrome.
This crime is terrible, but your Western values have no meaning in a place like Khayelitsha and one should be careful not to judge without knowing the full facts surrounding the incident.
This was just one of nearly 300 murders in South Africa that day.
Flo, if you're trying to argue that "treating others with dignity and respect" is only a Western value, you're sorely mistaken.
I'm a gay Christian. I'm trying to help. Don't give up on us.
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