Schwarzenegger's Office has Requested Meeting with Equality California
In an email from Equality California...
Equality California has now secured a second meeting with the Governor's Chief of Staff and senior administration officials for next Wednesday, two days before the marriage equality bill even reaches the Governor. Your voices are being heard.
Your emails, calls and actions are having an impact. Please keep the pressure going, and continue to educate the Governor about our lives!
Please click here to get involved!
I'm not too sure what will come of this... sounds like a good thing though.
Posted by Bryan Harding
I called the Governor's Office in Riverside. They assured me that AB 849 would be vetoed. They informed me that the Governor's office has received a total of 3,300 phone calls statewide since the bill was passed by the legislator. Of those calls 2,400 have been in support of vetoing AB 849.
I have a really hard time believing that in a state of thirty three million people only thirty three hundred have called his office to voice their opinions. When I called the Governor's office in Los Angeles they informed me this was incorrect. Maybe Riverside needs to know what it is really like to receive 3,300 phone calls: 951-680-6860.
He's really going to screw himself for this.
Great article in LA Weekly that you may have seen already...
Arnold’s Kiss-Off: Only a desperate governor would veto the gay-marriage bill
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