The Anonymous Comment...
An anonymous comment was left on the previous posting that I think should be brought into its own post. So here we go - and thank you anonymous.
I just called the Governor’s Office in Los Angeles to give them a piece of my mind. They told me although the governor has stated that he intends to veto the bill, he has not made a decision yet.
Equality California (the equivalent of BRO in CA) is still asking everyone to contact the Arnold...even if you live in Oregon.
To send an Electronic Mail please visit:
To phone and fax dial:
State Capitol Office
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
Phone: 916-445-2841
Fax: 916-445-4633
Fresno Office
2550 Mariposa Mall #3013
Fresno, CA 93721
Phone: 559-445-5295
Fax: 559-445-5328
Los Angeles Office
300 South Spring Street
Suite 16701
Los Angeles, CA 90013
Phone: 213-897-0322
Fax: 213-897-0319
Riverside Office
3737 Main Street #201
Riverside, CA 92501
Phone: 951-680-6860
Fax: 951-680-6863
San Diego Office
1350 Front Street
Suite 6054
San Diego, CA 92101
Phone: 619-525-4641
Fax: 619-525-4640
San Francisco Office
455 Golden Gate Avenue
Suite 14000
San Francisco, CA 94102
Phone: 415-703-2218
Fax: 415-703-2803
Posted by Bryan Harding
I just called the Governor’s Office in Los Angeles to give them a piece of my mind. They told me although the governor has stated that he intends to veto the bill, he has not made a decision yet.
Equality California (the equivalent of BRO in CA) is still asking everyone to contact the Arnold...even if you live in Oregon.
To send an Electronic Mail please visit:
To phone and fax dial:
State Capitol Office
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
Phone: 916-445-2841
Fax: 916-445-4633
Fresno Office
2550 Mariposa Mall #3013
Fresno, CA 93721
Phone: 559-445-5295
Fax: 559-445-5328
Los Angeles Office
300 South Spring Street
Suite 16701
Los Angeles, CA 90013
Phone: 213-897-0322
Fax: 213-897-0319
Riverside Office
3737 Main Street #201
Riverside, CA 92501
Phone: 951-680-6860
Fax: 951-680-6863
San Diego Office
1350 Front Street
Suite 6054
San Diego, CA 92101
Phone: 619-525-4641
Fax: 619-525-4640
San Francisco Office
455 Golden Gate Avenue
Suite 14000
San Francisco, CA 94102
Phone: 415-703-2218
Fax: 415-703-2803
Posted by Bryan Harding
Equality California is in the same vein as BRO, but is by no means equivalent. EQ|CA has chapters around the state, open meetings where members can provide input and guidance to the organization.
By contrast, BRO does not have open meetings or open discussions with the community - maybe they could achieve as much and with as much community support as EC||CA has if BRO were more open to direct community contact and dialogue.
What would be the harm of having an open civil rights movement here in Oregon?
Equality California is in the same vein as BRO, but is by no means equivalent. EQ|CA has chapters around the state, open meetings where members can provide input and guidance to the organization.
By contrast, BRO does not have open meetings or open discussions with the community - maybe they could achieve as much and with as much community support as EC||CA has if BRO were more open to direct community contact and dialogue.
What would be the harm of having an open civil rights movement here in Oregon?
I am done with arguing with you. I cannot answer all of these questions. Need answers? Call Basic Rights Oregon @ (503) 222.6151
I'm sure that they would be more than happy to talk to you - have you even tried that?
-Bryan H.
Sorry, I was just pointing out the difference in strategy and make up of the two organizations. EQ|CA has accomplished quite a lot utilizing their strategy, and BRO has ended up with our most visible/powerful defender -- Senator Kate Brown (D) - attaching the word 'deplorable' to BRO.
EQ|CA on the otherhand, is meeting with the Governor of California.
Now what exactly is the harm in raising a discussion over sucessful tactics while we're on the subject of the two groups?
Fortunately, strategy and tactics are not what I do - obviously. So a discussion wouldn't get us very far.
I've got to say -- every time you visit my blog you are coming from a different IP address from all different countries. What's going on with that? I know that there is more to you than 'meets the blog'. Now don't get all defensive - but I have my doubts about your name actually being Brad and for that matter your last name being Kurth. Do you live in Portland? If so, we should meet over a drink and discuss the topics we've been going over -- in person. It's hard to really have a decent conversation online like this.
It seems as though we are both passionate about the issues... what do you say?
Also - if BRO isn't doing things right -- who in Oregon is? What other organizations are doing this work that you would support? You said HRC, but I am asking more on a state oganization.
Bryan, seriously. Isn't it interesting that you haven't given this kind of grief to those who are posting here anonymously?
Yet, I post here with my email address in every post, the very same one. Anyone who wants to contact me, has my contact information.
This just sounds more about not wanting to engage in the issues that many of us in Oregon's LGBTQ community (and now Sen. Kate Brown too) have with the way things are being run at BRO and the fact that every time we have something to say about it we get crap like this.
So about my IP address, listen up. Anyone who values their privacy should look into Tor ( an open source system for improving safety and security on the internet. It sounds like it's working because it appears you were digging through your log files trying to get my personal information, rather than just emailing me at my email address to say hello, or invite me for that drink - which seems the more polite thing to do.
I have been engaging in conversation and debates online for years now, I have never had a problem with a discussion online until this one right here. It's true I have an opinion different than yours, but isn't that welcome?
I live in Portland, OR., I've even told you my first name, and you know my email address.
Now, do you intend to let people have a voice here in the discussion or do you only want people who agree with you?
You've posted quite a lot on NW Republican - quite freely in fact. Isn't it nice to be able to engage in an open discussion? If it can happen on NW Republican, then it should be happening here times ten.
PS I also munge my email address too online, which is another privacy & security measure:
I am in bold... This just sounds more about not wanting to engage in the issues that many of us in Oregon's LGBTQ community (and now Sen. Kate Brown too) have with the way things are being run at BRO and the fact that every time we have something to say about it we get crap like this.
b*kurth: I have been discussing the issues with you for the past 3 days non-stop. As far as BRO, this is a conversation that needs to be had between you and them. As a volunteer I am not the one to have that discussion with. Would you like me to put you in contact with someone there? They are always willing to discuss questions and concerns. Seriously.
"So about my IP address, listen up. Anyone who values their privacy should look into Tor ( an open source system for improving safety and security on the internet. It sounds like it's working because it appears you were digging through your log files trying to get my personal information..."
I am not 'digging' through log files. I check the stats all the time to see activity. Since this ever changing IP addy with the same referring URL, 'Not Your Business', is always coming back to the same pages every few hours or so - I figured that it must be you.
I have been engaging in conversation and debates online for years now, I have never had a problem with a discussion online until this one right here. It's true I have an opinion different than yours, but isn't that welcome?
It's always welcome - obviously. I live in Portland, OR., I've even told you my first name, and you know my email address.
Call it paranoia or learning from the past... but I just had a suspicion that you were specifically someone else. If that wasn't the case, then I fully apologize. I will email you at your email address after this to continue a conversation.
Now, do you intend to let people have a voice here in the discussion or do you only want people who agree with you?
Have you not had a voice? It seems as though you have left a ton of comments in the past few days
You've posted quite a lot on NW Republican - quite freely in fact. Isn't it nice to be able to engage in an open discussion? If it can happen on NW Republican, then it should be happening here times ten.
@ the NWR - those conversations are a waste of time. Have you seen it lately? It's disgusting what these people are saying. I won't even repeat them on here.
Emailing you now.
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