Governor Schwarzenegger: My Parents Letter to You
I am a Californian -- born and raised. I was raised in a loving home, by two truly amazing parents. My mother works in the legal/engineering industry, my father has been a high-power DC lobbyist/attorney for as long as I can remember. This morning, my mother sent me this letter that they wrote to Governor Schwarzenegger yesterday.
Dear Gov. Schwarzenegger,
We are writing you as citizens of California for the past 26 years and as Republicans, to urge you NOT to veto AB 849, The Religious Freedom and Civil Marriage Protection Act. We are parents of two adult children -- Dylan, 33, who is straight and Bryan, 23, who is gay.
We have been married for 37 years, and we know that marriage is not always easy. We know that marriage requires commitment, respect, responsibility and of course, love. But we always took for granted the rights that came with marriage until we realized that these rights would be denied to one of our children. We always took for granted that marriage is also about hundreds of rights that we have as a married couple that will be denied to our son Bryan and the partner of his choice. We take for granted that we can make medical decisions for each other if one of us gets sick. Our son, as thousands of other gay people, does not have that right. Like all parents, we have dreamed that one day each of our children would know the joy of marriage and raising a family. Your decision will determine many lives.
When Bryan came out we worried. We worried like any parent would that our child would be singled out for different treatment, and we were saddened to think that one child would have opportunities and rights and the other would be excluded from these privileges.
Governor, if you do indeed veto AB 849, only one of our children will live his life with the rights and responsibilities that go along with marriage. We believe both of our children, as people and as citizens, should be allowed to protect their loved ones in times of medical emergency, both of our children should be able to provide health insurance coverage for their spouse and their children, both of our children should know that if their spouse dies, they will not lose their joint savings or their home.
As a matter of faith, we believe that we need to protect all of our citizens. It is our duty. And religiously, it is our obligation. As citizens, we have a duty to protect one another -- even if we don't understand or relate to each other's experiences. As a matter of faith -- we are called to care for one another because we are all children of God. And as a Christians, we follow Jesus' commandment to love one another.
We don't believe unequal treatment belongs in our state. Who are you or we to judge others. If you veto AB 849 -- you will be upholding and perpetuating discrimination in our state. We urge you, on behalf of both of our children, family and friends to please sign AB 849 into law.
Robert and Sandy
#####, CA
So thank you mom and dad for writing this. For standing up for what you believe -- and most importantly for loving me for who I am.
Posted by Bryan Harding
I'm now crying at work.
That is AWESOME! Tell your parents that I think they rock!
I love your parents Bry. Well put.
This incredibly insightful letter brought tears to my eyes. You have amazing parents. Please thank them for me too.
a very deep and moving letter Bryan, your parents are real special people I think, you are a very lucky guy.
I saw this late but I wanted to comment. Superb thoughts from your parents. Kudos to them for standing by both of their children.
I just got married in Canada with my partner. It would've meant a lot to us to have been able to be married in Oregon or California, both places that we love.
Canada was a gracious host, however.
Peace and hugs,
Kevin AND MY HUSBAND- Darren
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