If Civil Unions pass the Oregon Legislature...
What would/could happen as a result? Would there be a backlash from the religious right? Of course.
The question is would they dare bringing it to the ballot for the voters to decide - as they did with Measure 36? I strongly believe that they would. The only problem that they would face is that a very large majority of Oregonians support civil unions, even those Oregonians who are adamantly against same-sex marriage and voted yes on Measure 36 this past November.
I have been talking to people recently about this issue. The two people that surprised me the most are the ones that I will talk about.
First, my neighbor. A 45 year-old straight male who is a born again Christian.
We have known each other for about two years now. We get along great, though of course happen to disagree about certain issues. During the Measure 36 campaign we had many discussions. He was stuck in his ways, as was I. In the end I'm not sure if he even ended up voting for that issue at all.
One day about two weeks ago I went over there to stop by and say hello to him. I happened to be wearing my "Support SB 1000" t-shirt. He asked, "What is that?". So I went into a short explanation of both the civil unions aspect of it, as well as the Anti-discrimination part. He quickly followed by saying that he would support it... both parts of it. For some reason I was blown away. For someone who was so staunchly against gay marriage, he was so quick to support all aspects of SB1000. We have since discussed it further over dinner at their house. The word marriage was the problem for him. He whole heartedly believes that gay couples should have every right that he has.
So a week ago I was out in the backyard power washing my deck. He happened to be in his backyard planting a tree when he randomly asked me, "So what can I do to help pass SB1000?".
Next, a 50-something widow, from West Linn, whom I just met Saturday evening at a dinner party.
Surprisingly, she was very much the same as my neighbor. A born again Christian, against gay marriage and voted yes on Measure 36.
After we had all been enjoying a couple glasses of wine, my ex who was with us for dinner as well, brought up the subject of civil unions and the fact that Oregon is coming close to passing them via the state legislature. She too felt that the word marriage was too much for her. She said it's the 'civil' part of civil unions that makes her feel comfortable with that. She also brought up a story she had read about a lesbian couple that had been together for over 30 years. One of them had to be rushed to the hospital for a cancer related illness. The hospital denied her parter any sort of visitation. Her partner died soon after in the hospital - alone. She felt this was a huge injustice. She stated that she would fully support both civil unions and the statewide anti-discrimination policy.
A Possibility of another anti-gay ballot measure
If the Oregon State Legislature does in fact pass SB1000, the Oregon Family Council, 'The Defense of Marriage Coalition' and other anti-gay groups will likely attempt to bring a repeal of SB1000 to the voters in 2006. Looking at the polling data (even from the conservative Riley Research Associates) shows that Oregonians would not repeal it.
For More Information visit:
The Basic Rights Oregon Blog
Posted by Bryan Harding
The question is would they dare bringing it to the ballot for the voters to decide - as they did with Measure 36? I strongly believe that they would. The only problem that they would face is that a very large majority of Oregonians support civil unions, even those Oregonians who are adamantly against same-sex marriage and voted yes on Measure 36 this past November.
I have been talking to people recently about this issue. The two people that surprised me the most are the ones that I will talk about.
First, my neighbor. A 45 year-old straight male who is a born again Christian.
We have known each other for about two years now. We get along great, though of course happen to disagree about certain issues. During the Measure 36 campaign we had many discussions. He was stuck in his ways, as was I. In the end I'm not sure if he even ended up voting for that issue at all.
One day about two weeks ago I went over there to stop by and say hello to him. I happened to be wearing my "Support SB 1000" t-shirt. He asked, "What is that?". So I went into a short explanation of both the civil unions aspect of it, as well as the Anti-discrimination part. He quickly followed by saying that he would support it... both parts of it. For some reason I was blown away. For someone who was so staunchly against gay marriage, he was so quick to support all aspects of SB1000. We have since discussed it further over dinner at their house. The word marriage was the problem for him. He whole heartedly believes that gay couples should have every right that he has.
So a week ago I was out in the backyard power washing my deck. He happened to be in his backyard planting a tree when he randomly asked me, "So what can I do to help pass SB1000?".
Next, a 50-something widow, from West Linn, whom I just met Saturday evening at a dinner party.
Surprisingly, she was very much the same as my neighbor. A born again Christian, against gay marriage and voted yes on Measure 36.
After we had all been enjoying a couple glasses of wine, my ex who was with us for dinner as well, brought up the subject of civil unions and the fact that Oregon is coming close to passing them via the state legislature. She too felt that the word marriage was too much for her. She said it's the 'civil' part of civil unions that makes her feel comfortable with that. She also brought up a story she had read about a lesbian couple that had been together for over 30 years. One of them had to be rushed to the hospital for a cancer related illness. The hospital denied her parter any sort of visitation. Her partner died soon after in the hospital - alone. She felt this was a huge injustice. She stated that she would fully support both civil unions and the statewide anti-discrimination policy.
A Possibility of another anti-gay ballot measure
If the Oregon State Legislature does in fact pass SB1000, the Oregon Family Council, 'The Defense of Marriage Coalition' and other anti-gay groups will likely attempt to bring a repeal of SB1000 to the voters in 2006. Looking at the polling data (even from the conservative Riley Research Associates) shows that Oregonians would not repeal it.
For More Information visit:
The Basic Rights Oregon Blog
Posted by Bryan Harding
Then of course there's Senator Westlund. He publicly campaigned on behalf of measure 36 even so far as including a statement in favor of it in the Voter Guide. And yet he is also one of the chief sponsors of SB1000.
There are at least two reasons some supporters of measure 36 would nevertheless support SB1000. One that you focused on in your post was that some people are bothered by the word "marriage." To them it is a specifically gendered word and using it without regards to gender seems wrong, but they still might support the same rights for same-sex couples.
The other reason measure 36 was able to get the support it did was that a number of people did not like the court or some local county council deciding these things. They would not object to a statewide bill passed by both houses and signed by the governor.
At the same time we owe Sen. Westlund a big thank you for being one of the 4 main sponsors of SB1000. Sen. Frank Morse (R) as well. They have both really stepped up to the plate to help get this gain support in the Senate and get it through the first hurdle - the Senate Rules Committee.
On your other points I would agree. Multnomah County did create quite a stir, yet at the same time I think that it was the right move, while many Oregonians would disagree. As well, I do think that passing a Constitutional Amendment against any group or groups of citizens just because you are pissed off at 4-5 people is wrong - completely wrong.
There is no way a repeal would pass. All during the 36 campaign the polls essentially showed a 50/50 chance for either side (factoring in error percentage). The abominable DOMC used this and other info to create the "Marriage no, but Civil Unions OK" publicity stunt that they are now saying they don't remember. It is because of this that 36 received a 57% yes vote. I would be willing to bet $100 that at least that last 7% of people voted yes because they belived the DOMC civil union tactic. Civil Unions are coming and they are here to stay!!!!
Exactly Marshall. In a sick way I would almost like to see the Oregon Family Council and the DOMC try and repeal it. Now, don't get me wrong - I would like to avoid another campaign at all costs... although seeing them lose and lose big would make me oh so very happy for putting us through everything in the past 2 years. More importantly we will FINALLY be able to protect ourselves and our children.
It will be an incredible day - that is not so far off in the future.
Good to see you on here again Marshall :)
-Bryan H.
I just want to be clear that I also support the actions in Multnomah County and absolutely opposed measure 36. I was just noting the position some have as a reason why the passage of measure 36 does not at all translate into opposition to civil unions.
The DOMC knew that measure 36 would never had passed if it banned civil unions which is why they emphasized that it did not do so and emphasized that civil unions were the proper avenue. And while I strongly disagree with Sen. Westlund's support for measure 36, I do admire him standing up for civil unions now. My understanding is the DOMC is going after him hard for his support, but that he won't back down.
I worry about the chances of SB1000 in the House, but I'm hopeful.
I am sorry to be the one to ruin your pep rally Bryan but SB1000 has absolutely no chance in the House.
So it really is a pointless excercise to insist that it would have popular support afterwards.
You know where I come from Bryan, I'm a nice guy, I don't hate people or say that they are going to hell, but I still wouldn't support SB1000. It violates the spirit of Measure 36, gives gays special rights, and really has no bussiness being law.
But I'm glad you guys are so excited...
As far as the Oregon House goes... I will keep what I know to myself. Let's just say there is a good chance that we will be able to pass this.
As far as the spirit of Measure 36 - you mean the hateful and discriminatory spirit? I don't think I need to reiterate the fact that throughout th campaign the "Defense of Marriage Coalition" along with the Oregon Family Council all publically stated that the measure was NOT about civil unions. Here are some quotes just to help you out Daniel...
“Same-sex couples should seek marriage-like rights through another avenue, such as civil unions.”
Tim Nashif, Oregon Family Council Director and an organizer of the Measure 36 campaign Bend Bulletin 8/20/2004
“If same-sex couples need legal protection, they should consult their legislative representatives. If they need legislation to do that, no one is going to stand in their way.”
Defense of Marriage Coalition Executive Director Mike White Lincoln City News Guard 11/10/2004
“Gay and lesbian couples are free to pursue marriage-like rights via a different avenue, such as civil unions that have been approved in Vermont.”
Defense of Marriage Coalition Spokesperson Georgene Rice Deschutes County Bulletin 9/30/2004
“The Coalition’s amendment did not preclude the state of Oregon from creating civil unions, so that same-sex couples could have the same rights as married heterosexual couples.”
Defense of Marriage Coalition Spokesperson Georgene Rice The Dalles Chronicle 9/30/2004
“Oregon’s measure was written specifically not to address civil unions.”
Tim Nashif, Oregon Family Council Director and an organizer of the Measure 36 campaign Bend Bulletin. 11/6/2004
So - explain to me what these people actually meant by saying these things. Was it all just plain and simple deception to make them look better than they actually are? It is the same exact people who are now fighting civil unions. Lets go Daniel - quote by quote let me know what they really meant.
-Bryan H.
The radical right just love the bait and switch! Gay rights, Social Security, War in Iraq....the list goes on. I will stop there to prevent some crazy debate on your site about all these things. (Or is it too late?). Anyways, Bryan when you said "As far as the Oregon House goes... I will keep what I know to myself. Let's just say there is a good chance that we will be able to pass this." What do you know that I don't? Should I be even more excited and hopeful than I am now?? Please don't be a tease, enquiring minds (mainly mine) want to know!!!
Yes, it is too late to stop a crazy debate :)
As far as what I know... I honestly cannot disuss it. I have hope, therefore you should as well. There is no doubt though that when the House gets it, they will revise it. Then it would go back to the Senate for review. We'll see what happens then. Have hope though.
Right now just focus on writing letters and making phone calls to your Senator and House Rep. Calling every day is a good thing.
-Bryan H.
I understand that you can't discuss. I was was just yankin your chain a bit!. I don't know how much more the House could revise it. I listened to the Rules Committee Session live stream and they hacked it to pieces trying to make it the most palatable piece of legislation in the world. Seems, like the only thing the house could do to appease the oposistion any more would be to add a clause that says "this bill ensures that Homosexuals are made a separate, 2nd calss set of citizens". Any idea what other revisions they would want to insert?
I am confident the bill will pass and I am going to make sure my legislators recognize me on a first name basis by the time it does. But my biggest worry right now is beating the clock. Any word on how long this session is going to be? Any buzz about whether they are going to adjourn and them come back in July/August for special session or is this session just going to be stretched until everything they deem important is finished?
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