Call me off message... BUT...
So every once in a while I have the need to post something off topic. I need to rant about something. Well first off let me just tell you that I am totally ADD. You should see me try and paint a room. I go from one wall to another (without finishing the first one).
See I am already getting off topic. The point of this that I cannot stand the Flash banner ads that are games. Like you have to use your mouse to do something in the ad... the one I just did was a fish jumping out of water and you had to snap a picture of it real quick. The thing is I can't stop playing. The worst ones were these popup flash ad games that were for It was miniature golf. Way too much fun. Addictive. Bad news bears.
That's my rant for the day. Thanks for listening :)
by Bryan Harding
See I am already getting off topic. The point of this that I cannot stand the Flash banner ads that are games. Like you have to use your mouse to do something in the ad... the one I just did was a fish jumping out of water and you had to snap a picture of it real quick. The thing is I can't stop playing. The worst ones were these popup flash ad games that were for It was miniature golf. Way too much fun. Addictive. Bad news bears.
That's my rant for the day. Thanks for listening :)
by Bryan Harding
I'm the same way. Sometimes I can't even finish a sente
Oh my god. You and Daniel have something in common. I'm vaklempt!
OT, but I like the new look! Very individual but easy to read.
OMG Maybe Daniel and I are actually soul mates. Lelo! How amazing would that be! :)
Torrid: Thank you! It's a bit different. Working is the one thing that I can focus on for hours and hours :) Oh what good times. Thankfully all I do all day is design @ my company.
Daniel: Sometimes I think you are a complete jackass and other times I really just don't care. Well no I never care. Sometimes I think to myself, maybe there is more to this guy than just hating everyone who is not white, straight and male. Wait - that sure sounds like something that happened back in history.... hmm. Do you still sport the shaved head? Happy Friday!
-Bryan H.
Do you want to play the Pepsi Lime game with me? We can beat each other with straws. Totally an entertaining time waster!
Oh @. We can play some sort of game - anytime. Call me. (503) 555-2846
Thank God it it Friday.
:) Bryan
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