Oregon Family Council & 'Defense of Marriage Coalition': The lies they tell
This is what they said then:
"Same-sex couples should seek marriage-like rights through another avenue, such as civil unions."
"Same-sex couples should seek marriage-like rights through another avenue, such as civil unions."
- Tim Nashif, Oregon Family Council Director and an organizer of the Measure 36 campaign Bend Bulletin 8/20/2004
[Now Tim Nashif and his organization are now fighting very hard against civil unions - what's the story?]
"If same-sex couples need legal protection, they should consult their legislative representatives. If they need legislation to do that, no one is going to stand in their way."
[Now Tim Nashif and his organization are now fighting very hard against civil unions - what's the story?]
"If same-sex couples need legal protection, they should consult their legislative representatives. If they need legislation to do that, no one is going to stand in their way."
-Defense of Marriage Coalition Executive Director Mike White, Lincoln City News Guard 11/10/2004
[That is exactly what we are trying to do via the legislature with SB1000. So why are they "standing in our way"?]
"Gay and lesbian couples are free to pursue marriage-like rights via a different avenue, such as civil unions that have been approved in Vermont."
[That is exactly what we are trying to do via the legislature with SB1000. So why are they "standing in our way"?]
"Gay and lesbian couples are free to pursue marriage-like rights via a different avenue, such as civil unions that have been approved in Vermont."
- Defense of Marriage Coalition Spokesperson Georgene Rice, Deschutes County Bulletin 9/30/2004
[Again, that is exactly what we are trying to do via the legislature with SB1000. Why did they lie to the Oregonians?]
“The notion that civil unions by definition would be unequal is without merit because civil unions become what you make them.”
- Defense of Marriage Coalition Spokesperson Georgene Rice, Oregon Public Broadcasting 10/2004
“The coalition set out to defend marriage, and now we have an amendment that does that.”
- Tim Nashif, Oregon Family Council Director and an organizer of the Measure 36 campaign AP 11/22/2004
“Oregon’s measure was written specifically not to address civil unions.”
- Tim Nashif, Oregon Family Council Director and an organizer of the Measure 36 campaign Bend Bulletin. 11/6/2004
But, now that measure 36 has passed, the same groups are saying something very different. These people are FULL of lies and deceit. This is what they are saying now:
"We would be against any measure that takes all the benefits of marriage and then calls it something else. We don't think Oregonians had that in mind when they passed Measure 36." - Tim Nashif, Oregon Family Council Director and an organizer of the Measure 36 campaign Bend Bulletin 4/15 2005
"This is gay marriage in disguise. Kulongoski and his fellow Democrats trying to force their radical agenda on Oregonians."
- Representative Jeff Kropf Register Guard 4/14/2005
“SB 1000 takes everything that marriage is and calls it civil unions."
- Tim Nashif, Oregon Family Council Director and an organizer of the Measure 36 campaign The Statesman Journal 4/17/2005
"The provisions of SB 1000 are a direct affront to the vote of the people on Measure 36.”
- Rep. Dennis Richardson The Statesman Journal 4/17/2005
“First, marriage was never intended as a means to access rights. I believe that degrades the institution. The rights and benefits associated with marriage are a byproduct, designed to recognize and encourage the contribution and strength traditional families make to society.”
- Tim Nashif, Oregon Family Council Director and an organizer of the Measure 36 campaign Oregonian 4/17/2005
“If civil union status is granted, there will be no turning back. The liberals and homosexual-lesbian coalition will have won and the people’s vote in favor of traditional marriage will have been effectively nullified.”
- Representative Dennis Richardson In an e-mail to other House Republicans
“Please understand there is no greater threat to marriage right now than civil unions.”
- Oregon Family Council Communications Director Nick Graham In a letter to supporters 4/26/05
Am I the only one who sees the contradictory statements here? Oregon voters were misled during the Measure 36 campaign... and these right wing fucks who proclaim to be "oh so holy" are nothing but liars. So that's that - facts are facts. Do Oregonians truly believe these people?
The DOMC has hired a lobbyist in Salem to fight SB 1000 - the bill that would grant civil unions to same-sex couples. It would also bring a statewide ban on discrimination in the workplace (meaning that you cannot be fired simply for being gay - no different than if you were black for example), Oregonians can be denied service in a bank or restaurant because they're gay, rejected for housing because they're gay and turned down for a job interview -- or even fired -- because they're gay. Is this fair? NO. I don't care how conservative you are - this is NOT right, but it IS real.
Think about this people. Go back and read these disgusting quotes from above. Senate Bill 1073 needs to be passed. Call your Senator today and demand that they support the bill. To find out the contact information for your senators click here.
[Again, that is exactly what we are trying to do via the legislature with SB1000. Why did they lie to the Oregonians?]
“The notion that civil unions by definition would be unequal is without merit because civil unions become what you make them.”
- Defense of Marriage Coalition Spokesperson Georgene Rice, Oregon Public Broadcasting 10/2004
“The coalition set out to defend marriage, and now we have an amendment that does that.”
- Tim Nashif, Oregon Family Council Director and an organizer of the Measure 36 campaign AP 11/22/2004
“Oregon’s measure was written specifically not to address civil unions.”
- Tim Nashif, Oregon Family Council Director and an organizer of the Measure 36 campaign Bend Bulletin. 11/6/2004
But, now that measure 36 has passed, the same groups are saying something very different. These people are FULL of lies and deceit. This is what they are saying now:
"We would be against any measure that takes all the benefits of marriage and then calls it something else. We don't think Oregonians had that in mind when they passed Measure 36." - Tim Nashif, Oregon Family Council Director and an organizer of the Measure 36 campaign Bend Bulletin 4/15 2005
"This is gay marriage in disguise. Kulongoski and his fellow Democrats trying to force their radical agenda on Oregonians."
- Representative Jeff Kropf Register Guard 4/14/2005
“SB 1000 takes everything that marriage is and calls it civil unions."
- Tim Nashif, Oregon Family Council Director and an organizer of the Measure 36 campaign The Statesman Journal 4/17/2005
"The provisions of SB 1000 are a direct affront to the vote of the people on Measure 36.”
- Rep. Dennis Richardson The Statesman Journal 4/17/2005
“First, marriage was never intended as a means to access rights. I believe that degrades the institution. The rights and benefits associated with marriage are a byproduct, designed to recognize and encourage the contribution and strength traditional families make to society.”
- Tim Nashif, Oregon Family Council Director and an organizer of the Measure 36 campaign Oregonian 4/17/2005
“If civil union status is granted, there will be no turning back. The liberals and homosexual-lesbian coalition will have won and the people’s vote in favor of traditional marriage will have been effectively nullified.”
- Representative Dennis Richardson In an e-mail to other House Republicans
“Please understand there is no greater threat to marriage right now than civil unions.”
- Oregon Family Council Communications Director Nick Graham In a letter to supporters 4/26/05
Am I the only one who sees the contradictory statements here? Oregon voters were misled during the Measure 36 campaign... and these right wing fucks who proclaim to be "oh so holy" are nothing but liars. So that's that - facts are facts. Do Oregonians truly believe these people?
The DOMC has hired a lobbyist in Salem to fight SB 1000 - the bill that would grant civil unions to same-sex couples. It would also bring a statewide ban on discrimination in the workplace (meaning that you cannot be fired simply for being gay - no different than if you were black for example), Oregonians can be denied service in a bank or restaurant because they're gay, rejected for housing because they're gay and turned down for a job interview -- or even fired -- because they're gay. Is this fair? NO. I don't care how conservative you are - this is NOT right, but it IS real.
Think about this people. Go back and read these disgusting quotes from above. Senate Bill 1073 needs to be passed. Call your Senator today and demand that they support the bill. To find out the contact information for your senators click here.
Oregon voters were misled during the Measure 36 campaign - I was not misled at all - it was a very simple choice: You either voted for a marriage between a man and a woman (hetrosexuals) or you voted for marriage between two people of the same sex (homosexuals).
Now look who is trying to mislead and lie!
By Gavin S., at 5/27/05, 8:53 AM
Funny that is the only thing you can even try to invalidate about this post. I am super glad you are a well informed voter... Now, what are your thoughts on the lies they told? The back and forth rhetoric? This is the point of the post. I do however think that there are people who thought marriage was maybe 'too much' for the gays but would not be opposed to civil unions. In fact I know that to be a fact.
You cannot argue with straight up facts 'justadog'. They said these things. They lied. Obviously - great Christian values. What leadership!
Lastly, you are so typical...
"Now look who is trying to mislead and lie!"
By Anonymous, at 6/6/05, 9:37 AM
The pro-36 campaign did not endorse civil unions as you would like to suggest.
The quotes show that civil union status was seen as different from marital status. But, as one of your quotes said, civil union is whatever the legislature make it. The objection with SB1000 has been that it looks just like SSM which was rejected with the ratification of the state constitutional amendment.
To support the legislative process while opposing a particular bill is not contradictory at all.
By Gavin S., at 6/6/05, 9:46 AM
False. I think this is pretty clear (see quote below). I can show you six pages of quotes that contradict what the pro measure 36 side said then/saying now.
Gay and lesbian couples are free to pursue marriage-like rights via a different avenue, such as civil unions that have been approved in Vermont.”
- Defense of Marriage Coalition Spokesperson Georgene Rice, Deschutes County Bulletin 9/30/2004
You are obviously an Oregon resident - I assume you read the paper, news sites etc. Oregon is pursuing 'Vermont-style civil unions'.
Listen - all of the polls that have been done show that more than 2/3 of Oregonians support civil- unions. We will get SB 1073 (formerly SB1000) passed. Your side will bring it to the ballot just like measure 36 and we will come out victorious in this next battle.
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